Chapter 8: SassMasta

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The week went by fairly uneventful, Niall filled me in on what was going on at the studios and such. He doesn't say much about Louis Tomlinson anymore he more so talks of Eleanor. My mom asked me any plans for the weekend I said most likely hanging out with Niall. I am in the midst of tying up loose ends with SassMasta for this weekend’s trip. I am so nervous I hope he likes me.


From: IHaveStyle


I was hoping we could talk details for this weekend? Reply when you can.

within ten minutes I had an email.

To: IHaveStyle



I will arrange transportation for you as soon as I can. I must inform you know the driver will hand you a packet when you get picked up, with my current STD test results as well as a contract. For both of our safety of course.

My heart skipped a little bit, I was so nervous and know he wants me to sign things.


From: IHaveStyle

Ok thanks for the information, is there any certain dress code you would like to enforce? Any suggestions on what to pack?

It was around an hour before he responded this time.

To: IHaveStyle

From: SassMasta


Since you are my guest/date I will provide you with everything you need clothes etc. Just bring your personal effects. And transportation will pick you up at the airport and deliver you to me.

My heart is beating too fast, is this true? sounds too good to be true!

The next day I barely talk to Niall, I think he’s scared for me going on this trip. I hope it goes well I took the bus to the airport with my small bag of things. and texted Ni, "Wish me luck" and I walked into the airport where a man dressed in a chauffeurs outfit held a sign that read 'IHaveStyle'. I slowly walked up to the man and announced myself.

"Ah sir, here this is for you" he said handing me a manila folder. "Follow me please" I complied as he led me into a black town car. I mumbled a "Thank you" I am in complete and utter shock.

Sitting in the backseat of the car I opened the folder and a little stack of papers came out. The first sheet was saying he was negative for every STD and HIV. Then came the document that would change my thinking forever. It was simple but effective agreement stating I would never reveal his identity if anyone found out about his 'purchase', or he would sue me for the $100,000 plus damages. Another clause was if I was lying about my virginity, or if I had any STDs HIV he would sue me for more damages. I shook a little as I read this, at the end of the day I really just sold myself. Shakily I scribbled Harold Edward Styles on both sets of agreements. I placed them back in the envelope and unrolled the partition and handed them to the driver.

"Thank you sir, help yourself to the beverages and snacks back there we will be arriving shortly." I thanked him and grabbed a water and a bag of chips. I glance out the window and notice we just passed the Beverly Hills sign. Oh God this is really happening, after about fifteen minutes we pulled into a gated driveway the partition unrolled again.

"Sir I am just going to run these into my boss if you could please kindly stay seated until I return" he smiled and I nodded. Ten minutes later he returned and opened my door and escorted me in.

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