2 - (Papery Adventures)

Start from the beginning

One of the tiny human monsters had spotted me. The devil started running towards me with his wobbly legs.

Oh no!

To my surprise a warm hand picked me up before the tiny monster could reach here. I saw that this was another human. Although older than the little devil.

The boy who looked to be in his late teens ,held me in his fingers and turned me up and down , inspecting my surface. Seeing it in such a good state he smiled in triumph . The boy reached his hand inside the pocket of his school uniform and took out a pen .

He quickly scribbled some ink over my body. I winced as the sharp tip of the pen danced across my body , pricking itself again and again. Finally the torture stopped.

But again ,I had opened my non-existent mouth too soon .

After the boy was done scribbling whatever he wrote on my surface, he skimmed his eyes over me , rereading whatever the ink painted and a satisfied smirk played on his lips. Then he folded me in many different angles , creasing and making patterns . I cried as I felt myself being molded into some shape.

Before I knew it he chucked me at the sky as if I was a rocket ascending towards space. I glided in the air with the wind running all around me chuckling at my dismay.

As I flew by , I spotted a fellow paper sailing over water. It had been molded into a boat and the makers stood by, staring in awe.

Slowly I started descending again and a tender human hand caught me mid air. This girl unfolded my body from it's twists and turns and read the message scribbled on me. She smiled at me as if I was a precious treasure and began smoothening the creases and wrinkles over my surface.

I felt better . This seemed like a nice human. She took me back to her house and safely tucked me away inside a drawer where I lived peacefully for the rest of my crinkly paper life.


(Green Paper's POV)

The classroom was filled with the chatter of students as I sat peacefully inside my owner's backpack.

My human owner unzipped his backpack , letting the sunlight coming from the window engulf the darkness and brighten up the place I was in.

He took out some chocolates from the corner pocket in front of me and started eating one of them. I remember how carefully he had taken them out from the fridge yesterday night and placed them inside his backpack. I was watching from my place on his desk after all .

Peeking out from the open zip, I could see my human owner slightly anxious. He battled with his mind and after a few minutes, finally got the courage to get up and face the situation.

You better man up boy! I've been seeing you in this jittery state since so long! Hmph!

I watched with non-existent narrowed eyes as he nervously approached his crush and offered her some of the chocolates he had brought.

The girl scrutinized him for a moment before taking a chocolate with a small smile of gratitude.

I'm sure the giver's heart must have been racing marathons at the moment. He walked back and sat down on his chair , resting his head on his hands with a wide grin upon his face.

He continued staring at the girl as she ate the chocolates he had given her. But confusion replaced his grin as he saw the girl giving the rest of the chocolates to her friend.

Pity ...

Another human arrived in the scene, plopping down on the desk under which I was observing everything from my comfy place inside the backpack.

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