1.3 - ( Accidental Crush )

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(Bonus scene: After they reached home.)

That night after the guests had left , I was sitting in my room,busy eating pizza.

Ah so crunchy and delicious, yum!

As I took the last bite , I thought back to today's events. Those two misfits had talked to those guys for a bit. Though I wonder about what topic?

Brushing off the crumbs from off my hands ,I proceeded towards the twins room in order to interrogate them.

As soon as I turned the knob and opened the door, a football came flying towards my face. Thank God for my fast reflexes, I was able to catch it on time.

I lowered the football and looked at my brothers who were standing there with sheepish expressions on their faces.

I rose an eyebrow in question while they both turned to look at each other with guilty smiles gracing their faces and goofily said -"oops!"

I shook my head and cracked a smile. Look at them being silly as usual.

Waving my hand , I motioned to my brothers to come near me.
" Hey you two, come here."

They came forward galloping and nodded their heads screaming ,"YESS What?!"

Wow , are these two loudspeakers or what ?
I was nearly going deaf from their constant shouting .

" Speak a little more softly please , anyways, at the restaurant, what were you talking about with those bhaiyas?"

"Why do youuuu care?" Arzan asked in a teasing sing -song voice. Oof this one is way too smart for his own good !

" Shut up and answer ." I retorted, glaring at them playfully and then flashing a thin lipped smile.

" Ooh they are the best! " Arsh put in, clapping his hands once as he started to recount the story.

(Flashback, third person POV)

"Hiya! Take that you stupid big fat football!" Arsh hollered kicking at an imaginary football.

He was running around in a circle with Arzan while their api was busy clicking someone's pictures.

"Oi , Arsh ,look ,isn't that Ronaldo's face on that guy's phone?" Arzan asked Arsh ,pointing at someone's phone cover.

Arsh looked up and his eyes lit up as if discovering an all you can eat chocolate shop. But only here , it was Ronaldo's photo on someone's phone case.

He nodded at Arzan enthusiastically but quickly whipped back his head , seeing that guy walking away.

"I'mma go after him ." Arsh whispered to Arzan and he approved , nodding and giving his twin a thumbs up.

Maneuvering his way around the maze of tables and chairs ,Arsh followed behind, trying to keep track of that guy with the Ronaldo phone case.

The guy went and sat at a table surrounded by some other boys.

As Arsh was moving at high speed, thus he couldn't stop himself on time as the table came in front.

"Oh noo, I'm gonna die! I didn't even meet Ronaldo! Forget Ronaldo, I want Arzan , my twin , my bestie , my everything! " Thought poor little Arsh, worried he was going to crash head first with the table and die.

He squeezed his eyes shut ,and braced himself for the harsh impact, but it never came.

Instead ,he felt his body being lifted off the ground and into the air. Was he going to heaven?

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