4.4 - ( The Trio )

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I lost my sense of hearing. My ears felt like they had been stuffed with wax, it was eerily quiet not a sound to be heard. My whole mind seemed to have gone blank and it felt as if I'm the only one in the whole wide world. I could feel my heart beating faster as I got more anxious .

Why couldn't I not hear anything?

Was the whole world sleeping?

I could feel the wind pushing against my face but could not hear the slight sound of it breezing by.

I took in a deep breath and tried to calm down. My eyes wandered around my surroundings ,but I could not see anything clearly as it was dark. I stood up as I felt a sharp pain in my right leg.

What had happened ?

I slowly moved forward . Suddenly a lurching shudder shook the ground beneath me making me fall down.

I felt the vibrations of the impact through the ground but did not know when and where it came from as there was no sound.

The air seemed to get more stale and the smell of burning ashes went through my nostrils.

I turned around sharply to see a huge wave of fire , burning not far behind.

Maybe there was an explosion?

I rushed forward to get away and felt sand on the palm of my hands.

Was this the beach ?

But I did not know as there was no sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

Nonetheless I made my way forward and after a while I could see the sea in front of me reflected by the moonlight falling upon it.

I sat down breathing heavily, as beads of sweat fell down my face.

What had happened to me ? Where was I? Most importantly why could I not hear anything?

Thinking about this sent a surge of fear through my mind.

Will I never be able to hear anything again?

At the moment I felt so alone, not because I was stranded in the middle of nowhere but because I could not hear anything .

I missed the sound of the busy traffic in the street, the sound of laughing, crying , singing . Little animals squeaking in their various voices , the sound of nature. All that I took for granted and would have never understood the value of until now that I had lost the ability to hear them.

I felt silent tears running down my face. I strained my throat, shouting at the empty sky which had started to get lighter .But there was nothing to be heard.

I felt my brain going fuzzy and felt tired . My vision started to blur and the last thing I saw was a group of familiar faces running towards me , their mouths were moving but no sound reached me. Finally everything went black .


(Third Person POV)

" What happened to her?"

" Thena!"

Zion and Ash were crouched beside the unconscious figure of their best friend.

The boys were getting more worried.

" Is she...- no it can't be ...no , no!"

"Have faith." Assured Rousie keeping his tiny paws on the boys shoulders while they both shook Thena, trying to wake her up.

" Why isn't she answering?!"

They observed that Thena's skin was getting more pale by each passing second. It seemed to them , as if her life was getting sucked out of her body.

Tales From The Heart (short stories)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon