3 - ( A small act of kindness )

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It was just another day in Mr.Malik's busy life. He was on his way to work when he came across a young boy crying by the road.

The boy was wearing torn clothes which barely clung to his skinny frame through which his ribs could be seen .
His face was covered in dirt and it was obvious that he was starving.

He could not just leave the poor child like this. So he went over to a nearby shop and bought some food.

Mr. Malik went over to the little boy and crouched down to give him all these with a kind smile on his face. The little boy stared in awe at the food and his face lit up with a bright smile which was worth more than a million dollars.

Ruffling the boy's hair affectionately, Mr.Malik got up to leave , but the boy gripped his arm and thanked him for his generosity .

But something else seemed to be bothering the child.

He asked him what had happened and the boy told him that his mother was sick and he did not have any money for the medicine to save her life

He immediately pulled out some money and gave it to the boy, so that he could buy the medicines .

The next day, Mr.Malik was passing by the same route and he saw the little boy once again.

The boy was standing outside the gate of a school and trying to read the message written on the board.

Mr.Malik stopped and asked him about his mother's health and got to know that she was getting better.

Looking at the young boy in front of him, Mr.Malik couldn't help but feel pity . This kid could have a bright future if given help. So once again, Mr.Malik pulled out some money and gave it to the boy.

This much was enough to get enrolled in a public, government school.

Something told him that the young boy had talent and he deserved a chance at education .

The boy's eyes brimmed with tears of happiness. He was finally getting a chance to study.

How grateful he was to God. For having destiny cross his paths with such a kind man.

But little did they know that this was actually lucky for both of them.


Ten years passed and Mr.Malik had aged.

He was now retired and his children were studying abroad. No one was there to look after him. All his hard work and savings were spent after his children.

One day he fell sick and had to go to the hospital .

He was treated there but when it came for the time to pay the bills, he started to panic.
The total bill was way too much and he realized he could not pay all of it.

Before he could say anything , the nurse told him that his bill had already been taken care of.

He was shocked and inquired as to how?

The nurse pointed behind him and when he turned around he saw a young doctor .

Mr. Malik could not understand what was happening but the doctor came forward and looked at him with eyes full of happiness and gratitude .

" You might not remember me but I can never forget you, kind sir , for ten years ago your help saved mine and my mother's life . If it was not for you, I would not have been in this position in life ."

A faint memory of helping a little boy crying by the road came back to him.

He learned that the boy had now grown up to be one of the owners of this big hospital.

As Mr.Malik had helped him before ,now the boy was helping him when he was in need of it.

A small act of kindness can come back to save us in such an unexpected way.

A simple helping hand or a small smile can unknowingly save so many people.

"How life is strange and changeful! How little a thing is needed for us to be lost or to be saved!"- Julian Hawthorne


This was actually inspired by a real life story. Something similar had happened to someone. I don't know them though.
My father told me a story like this and I thought this deserved to be known.

A small act of kindness can actually have such a big impact.

Treat people with kindness !

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A.M.K 💙

Tales From The Heart (short stories)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon