Once I entered, I sat on a meditative position and meditated. To think the Knights have found this place.

3rd pov

Druella: What do you mean I have to get back?! I have a task to do.

Devil: I'm sorry my Lady, but It is high priority that you must return.

Druella was about to retort when the Devil pulled out a crystal ball and the image of her mother appeared within the crystal.

Lilith: Druella, postpone your plan to take over Lescatie. There is something urgent I must warn you and your sisters.

Druella is surprised, not many would worry her mother like this. Even the Heroes that tried to kill her and her Father doesn't give her mother too much trouble.

Druella: Alright fine, I'll come home.

Lilith smiled, somehow warming Druella's feeling as her mother's smile is sincere and loving that she couldn't help but feel happy.

Even if they are monsters, the love of a parent to their child is just as equal to that of humans.

Druella: Go on ahead, I have something to do real quick.

The Devil nodded and flapped her little wings towards her home. Druella however, went out and searched for the Orphanage that she provided for Sasha to keep the orphaned Mamono children.

Her mind swirled around a single thought and it itself was enough to make her blush, after all. Seeing Vergil cut down those Order Knights with such grace and beauty is enough to make her consider taking himself for her. Although, she did think of sharing him with those others.

Once she arrived, she was greeted by Sasha who just arrived as well.

Sasha: Lady Druella! Good morning, I apologize but, I've already sent reports.

Druella shook her head and smiled.

Druella: I know Sasha, and every word helped us to anticipate the guards patrol time and other things as well. I'm actually here to visit a certain someone.

Sasha is surprised, but then again. Druella does have a lot of those eyes around just in case.

Sasha: Ah, apologies but right now. He is meditating. He has been doing it since yesterday as the children has said.

Druella raised a brow, her mind wondering why would he be meditating, while she knows that meditation is a way to clear your mind, but. To do such a thing since yesterday? It's absurd! He would be starving already!

Sasha: If anything, I could relay a message to him.

Druella sighed, slightly miffed about not being able to talk to such a stud again. Only to stop when the door suddenly opened and out came the very person she wanted for herself.

Vergil: Sasha, good morning.

She couldn't help but slightly feel giddy at being ignored, it makes her want him even more.

Sasha: Good morning as well, Vergil.

Then his cold grey eyes found her, making her body hot as his ever piercing gaze bore through her being.

Vergil: Hm. Good morning as well Druella.

His cold tone almost made Druella shiver but she forced herself to act professional.

Druella: Good morning as well, Vergil. I hoping we could talk.

His grey eyes narrowed, his hand ready to draw the Yamato, but he relented. With a sigh, he agreed to speak.

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