#4 Invasion

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"Noona!! Noona!!"

It was late at night when I heard a knock on my window with someone sound like calling me. I was already in bed, so, I reluctantly get up to look for the source.

I open the window with visible annoyance on my face when I knew who it was.

"Do you know what time is it?"I asked, still annoyed.

He jumped right away after got enough access from the window with an expression of excitement from a 10 years old kid.

And then I realize that I lived on 4th floor. "How did you get here? "I asked, a bit stutter, after remembering how the emergency stair also under repair.

"I have my way"He shrugged. Unbothered. But then, his eyes beaming again.

"Noona, let's play staring contest" He said, excitedly.

"Now, at this hour?"Maybe because I almost fall asleep a minute a go, I think my brain still wondering somewhere. I seems cannot understand him at all.

"Come on"He said, eagerly. His body jump every now and then a little bit. "I count to three, and the last one who doesn't blink, win"

"What?" To be honest, I'm lost.

But before I knew it, we already staring at each other.

His eyes smile brightly, and I can feel his sincerity. I think He tried to make a goofy face several times to make me blink, but I am too lost in his eyes to notice it.

Then, suddenly he attacks by blowing an air into my eyes. I blink instantly.

"I win !" He is smiling so widely as if it just makes the room seems brighter.

I hesitate for a moment, still processesing what just happened.

"What are you doing?"I asked, still confused.

"Is it working?"He asked back.


"Well, does I make your heart feel warm?" He asked.

"Of course." Well, to tell you the truth his presence in front of me without all this fuss actually good enough to warm my heart.

"You always does" I added.

"Does it expands a little bit?"he asked again.

I paused. Wait, What?

He just looks at me. Still smiling.

I touch my chest and close my eyes.

"I think it does"I answered, while opening my eyes. "A little bit".

He looks satisfied with himself. "Mission accomplished!"he said to himself. Then he jumped again.

"Oh well, it's late. I gotta go"He climbed up the window. "I'll see you again, noona".

And with that last words, he disappear before my eyes.

I sighed.

I guess that's how jeon jungkook is. He comes and go uninvited, anywhere anytime, invade your personal space.

But when he left, there was always a trace left to warm your heart. Sometimes, to expand it, even.

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