#3 Cabin Fever

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It was raining hard outside when I came inside that cafe. His signature gummy smile welcome me instantly.

"Welcome" He said.

I sat in front of him, and without asking further, a steam from a hot cup of cammomile tea already served in a flash for me.

"So, how are you going?"He asked.

"Oh, nothing much"I answered. " I just feel like I'm on a cabin fever state right now"

"Don't you need to be in.. You know, cabin, to experience that?" He asked, teasingly.

"I don't know other term I could use to define this"I sighed. "You know... Feeling trap inside your heart, heavy feeling, unable to shake it off"

He, in all people should know the feeling. Well, my guess anyway.

"I guess with the situation right now, it's a common thing to feel like that" He said.

"So, how to get out from there?"I asked.

He pull off a long deep breath and think for a little bit.

"If you can't get out, maybe you can expand it" He finally answered.

"Expand it?"

"That cabin in your heart that feel like too tight and make you feel squeezed. Try to expand it one time at a time. So you can breath a little bit."He said

"That's one way to do it"I agree with a sigh. " Easier said than done"

He chuckled a little bit and Softly
pat my shoulder, "well, it might easier than trying to get out"

I sighed again while sipping my tea.

Suddenly, I realize how small and tidy this cafe is. There are only a few chair with a long table.

"What are you doing here ?"I asked.

"This is my comfort zone. Where I can rest from the world for a while"he answered.

"Oh, am I intruding your personal space??"I said, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, not at all. Don't worry about that." He tried to answer quickly. "The door is locked, you know. But you came without any trouble. So, you're coming here means I also need this talk"

I must be look puzzled, so He continue, "Your question and my answer is not only for your sake. It's also for mine"

I held myself from asking any further question and just silently watch him served another cup of tea.

There is a pause between us for a minute or two. But it doesn't feel awkward at all.

"So, right now, I'm also healing you?"Finally, I said something. This idea excite me, by the way. Healing the great mister min yoongi. I can't help but to put my smile widely.

"You sound happy" He chuckled.

As the rain is still pouring outside, we continue our conversation with much random stuff for the rest of the afternoon.

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