XXX. Not a little too LATE

Start from the beginning

"What?" Asking her to make sure I heard it right.

"Daughter . . you're pregnant. It's a baby boy!" Mom screeched in delight. I blinked many times just to test if I'm dreaming or not.

"Mom!" I screamed joyfully and embraced my mom. Tears were forming on the corner of my eyes.

"How did you know that it's a baby boy?" I asked mom and pulled out from the hug.

"When your tummy got darker, it's a boy. When your tummy got lighter, it's a girl but when your tummy's shade was still the same, it means you're not pregnant." That was quite amazing. We got out of the bathroom and I'm still wiping my tears of joy.

"Gin, Victoire's ready- Why?" I heard Harry utter at the back of me. I turned to my heels.

"I have a good news."

"Well, I might as well go to the kitchen. I'll leave you two." Mom muttered, grinning and patted my back before going to her direction.

"What's the good news? Did United won?"

"No, Cannons got the title. By the way it's not the news. . I'm going to say a better news."

"What? If you'll say that we're going to have a baby, maybe it's the best news that you can tell me." told Harry that made me giggle.

"You're right." I said, grinning.

"What? I'm right? That we're going to have a. . . . baby?! Woah."

"Yes, a baby boy." I told the overwhelmed and speechless Harry.

"Wow. H-how did you know?" Harry stated.

"Mom told me after doing and muttering a spell I didn't recognize." I said.

"I can't believe it hon. I'm going to be a father!" Harry shouted and hugged me so tight.

"Uncle Hawwy, Auntie Gin. Awen't we going now? I wanna see Auntie Mione." the three year old Victoire asked while combing her hair that broke our conversation.

"Ofcourse we are." Harry said.

"Victoire." I uttered and kneeled to be in her height. "I'm just happy that me and Uncle Harry will have a baby."

"Wow. I'm going to have my fi'st cousin!" She replied and jumped up and down.

"Okay enough Victoire. We're going now." I said and she was carried by Harry. I shouted one last "Mom, we're going!" before tightening my grip on Harry's arm and Victoire before apparating.


I opened my eyes and we faced the old cemetery where we usually go. The cemetery that was important to me and ofcourse, Harry. We continued pacing until we stopped on a grave. I kneeled on the ground infront of the grave.

"Orchideous." I uttered and a bouquet of flowers sprung at the tip of my wand.

"Well, good news. We're going to have a baby. I wish you're here to celebrate with us but I know that your happy wherever you are now." I stated and sweeping the dust on top of the grave. It revealed the name.

In loving memory of

Lily Potter +

January 30, 1960 - October 31, 1981

James Potter +

March 27, 1960 - October 31, 1981

"Weh a' we Auntie Ginny?" Victoire asked while wandering on the surroundings around her.

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