XXII. 428th Quidditch World Cup

Start from the beginning

"It was the first time for England to reach the finals after decades and that was quite impressive." Blythe uttered that made the supporters of the team slightly proud, slightly embarrassed.

"Well, and now please welcome . . . The Irish National Quidditch Team! I give you Mullet!"

And a player in green blasted towards the field. He roamed around the stadium, doing every stunts possible. It was very fast and blurry.






"aaaaand Lynch!" Blythe shouted.

Meanwhile, in the English locker room. All of te members were ready, falling in line.

"All right. Guys, this is it! Goodluck!" said Oliver Wood before stepping into the line. After seconds of waiting, the team was presented.

"Let's give it up for . . . the English National Team . . Hawksworth!" and a player in CELER 7000 blasted towards the field dressed in blue robes.

Weasley!" Parkin shouted while the whole English supporters were screaming their lungs out. Even Harry and the rest almost jumped out of their stands because of their full support.





"and last but not the least . . Granger!"

"And let's give a round of applause for the referee for this night, a world renouned Quidditch player and the new President of the International Association of Quidditch, the Madam . . Rolanda Hooch!" Parkin said that made Harry and even Ginny, Oliver and Hermione shocked. 'That's why she left Hogwarts.' Hermione thought. Rolanda Hooch entered the field, the crate on her right hand and a broom on the left. She opened the crate and the bludger blasted from it. The snitch was flying until it disappeared.

She got the quaffle and with the blew in her silver whistle, she threw the quaffle.

"The quaffle's up, and the game begins!" Blythe Parkin shouted and cheers were once again heard on the whole stadium. The players were very fast, as if they're just light. The players of both teams took their positions with their black CELER 7000 but only one was not using the newest broom. It was Hermione Granger, seeker of England, whose broom was a Velox 370.

"Hawksworth, Weasley, Flitney, back to Weasley, stealed! Mullet, Moran, Mullet again, Troy, Mullet, Mullet, going to score, Mullet . . No! Wood got it." said Blythe. Just the fastest of players the crowd eer watched. As usual, the commentator was only saying their last names because of the quick turn of events.

The quaffle was again in possession of Avery Hawksworth of England, passed to Ginny Weasley and then passed again to Keaton Flitney. The beaters of Ireland were tryig hard to hit the players of England but they dodge it everytime.

"-alright back to Weasley, Hawksworth, Weasley, Flitney, Hawksworth, Weasley, Weasley, Weasley, to the hoops, dodge, Weasley, GOAL!" The English supporters shouted in delight. The first goal of the night was Ginevra Weasley from England. The fairies were again, dancing, and with a step, diamonds were produced. Even Madam Rolanda Hooch showed a small smile. The quaffle was gained by Troy, passed to Mullet, then to Troy again. He was hit by a bludger sent by Choudry. The quaffle was caught by Moran, then to Mullet. The game was so intense that all the spectators were focused on their own omnioculars.

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