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Miraculously, he found himself scrubbing the walls with a filthy cloth, which have all been smeared with blood. Then he took a step back in confusion. "What am I doing?" He exclaimed in the middle of the corridor, "Where did this blood come from?" He then saw a glimpse of the blood he splattered on the wall in the alternate reality; so this is the future: Maya's reality

"This is the future... this is the future…" He cheered gleefully, ecstatic that he had finally discovered something; he should return to Ruth and warn her. But he had nothing else to do at the time. That's how it feels when something comes to an end: peace.

He then saw the end of his movie without first seeing the beginning; isn't it terrible? To only watch the last few minutes of a movie or read the last few pages of a book because you'll never truly understand it. Exactly like him. Even if he tries, he will never succeed. He didn't want to think about it any longer, despite the fact that it wasn't his most intriguing interest. He was restless for no explicable reason.

But he understood that it had to do with what had happened before, so he moved on to the next stage: being excited. He had been waiting the entire time to return to that world in order to grasp the relevance of his experiences, to understand their origins, and to feel them even more thoroughly.

He then fell soundly asleep, with his legs begging for it. He gazed up at his beloved nurse one day after laying in stillness for a lengthy time, and as her blue eyes glittered like diamonds, "I can't see your face, but I can hear it; I can't hear your voice, but I can see it," he said smoothly as he told her gesturally to move her head gradually forward into his direction. She expected him to do something awful, but he kept staring at her winking,

"What?" She guffawed. "Can you tell me what you're talking about?"

"Please reduce the dose; I'm hearing voices in my head... I'm seeing ghosts all around me; the big quantity of dose you give me is making me hallucinate even more; you better lower it before you turn me into a monster."

"You're already a monster” After opening the door, a man abruptly said. He then added some milligrams of risperidone to his serum.

He grumbled as the doctor injected him with it. "No, just a little... please," he screamed.

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