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He swiftly wrapped a towel around her mouth and dragged her into the kitchen, closing the door behind him before opening the other one.

"Maya!" She stood there, her obnoxious grin interfering with his ritual. "How did you end up here?"

"All I want to do is see you." The door was standing half open.  "Do you mind if I come in!"

She eventually gained access. "How have you been?"

"I'm fine."

“Are you sure? You have a pale complexion."

"Believe me, it's fine."

Unfortunately for him, the girl began whimpering under the towel, and Maya could clearly hear her, so she ran to the kitchen, opened the door again. After seeing her, she bounced back from panic.

"I told you I'm fine," he said, then stabbed Maya with the blade, Aamon became enraged and removed the towel away from the girl's mouth, then slammed her to the wall.

"You disobeyed my instructions, and you will perish as a result of your acts."

"Please," she pleaded; her voice shaky.

"Somehow, you did this to her... you shared a peace of the murder with me, you did."

"No," she said again; her tone solemn.

"Shush! Don't worry, strange lady, you're plainly going to sleep."
He then knocked her out and pulled her all the way to the room; the “DO NOT ENTER" room, instead of just killing her.

That chamber was predominantly filled with death corpses and their bones, she got filthy from the ruddy blood on the floor. Thankfully for her, she was not witnessing any of this, and she was now in the only spot where she could flee this madman, her dreams.

He didn't want her to be alone all night, he cared about her, and he liked her.

"We never have sympathy for the hostage as a rule."

"Keep your mouth shut! How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"How many times do I have to save you so that you can learn?"

"I know what I'm doing,"

"And you see where that got us last time."

"I made a terrible mistake, and I vow I won't do it again; trust me for once."

He then fell asleep on her grimy shoulders, they looked from far like a painting; like a baby's paintings, if we only gave that baby the red hue.

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