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Slowly waking up in a shadowy room where the night seemed to transition into dawn, he felt someone around his arms, but couldn't see who, and took laborious steps to the light passing by a soiled ground, which he turned on. He had noticed her.

It was as if he was seeing a ghost, and his eyes almost popped out of his head when he remembered that this was the other reality, where he had murdered these young women, As he got closer to her, his heartbeat started to subside, and she recovered.

“Who are you?” He inquired; his tone weird, as he examined her.

“Stay away from me,” She screamed as he approached her and took the scarf from her mouth. “Why?”

“What have I done?”

“Look, your little games aren't going to work on me.”

“I'm not feigning it; tell me what I've done.”

“You stabbed her to death, you killed her, I was...”

“Take it easy, I'm going to free you, but you should tell me who you are first, I'm not that insane to kill someone I don't know"

“Do you have some sort of personality disorder?” She cried. “I should've just stayed there, I should've never noticed you."

“What? No, I only require your assistance."

“With what?"

“Can you help me remember how and why I did this, to whom are these bodies all over the room?”

“I don't know, I told you, I just came to say hello,” she explained.

“Can you tell me who you are? Just to make it easier for me to remember”

“My name is Ruth, I'm still in college, and I'm always in the woods, you know... I take a short swim to relieve stress, and that's it”

“Have you been coming here for a while?"

“It's been two months now”

“Every day?”

"Only Fridays"

He then proceeded to untie her, and she attempted to flee by kicking the door and shouting for help, but no one was there, however, Aamon had no intention of hurting her or anyone else.

"Take a deep breath"

"Get me out of here; open the damn door”

“My name is Aamon Vandenberg, and I was four years old when my father and I were in a car wreck; he died, but I didn't; I was gravely injured, which is probably the source of my current condition; I saw him dying, blood spurting from his throat; at the time, I thought I was dreaming, or didn't care; I didn't know what was real. As it is right now. I'm torn between two lives, but I can't seem to figure out which is which; I'm with Maya, the one who was killed in this world, and I just want to know whether this is true.”

"What happened after the accident?"

“I was sent to an orphanage because my mother died giving birth to me, there I've never had an appropriate upbringing. When I turned 18, I ended up getting out and went to university, where I don't know what happened, but I just started killing girls. I would go out at night, put on gloves, and break into their windows, choke them, and stab them; I didn't enjoy it, but I felt it was necessary for my... furtherance, so after That I was busted by a girl's roommate, I was sent to a mental illness hospital, where I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and I remained there for 25 years, where I was “healed,” or perhaps I just pretended to be, to finally get out. But I don't seem to remember anything after that, since I returned home, it's as if I've had a blank memory, but the big issue right now is that I'm stuck between these two universes, and I can't seem to figure out which is the actual one."

“What if they were both real?”

“What do you mean?”

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