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When she finally arrived, she sat next to him, put the coffee cups on the table and began scrolling through the movies on the television, before abruptly stopping on a movie titled "Jacob's Ladder," which they then watched until the end, but she wasn't done there, she began scrolling up, looking for a film she had already passed by, and they had not spoken a word the entire time.

Her flimsy, thin body shape, scrolling ears, and elegant nose with soft green eyes astonished him. Her bright teeth shined as she glared at him, she was so resplendent. He didn't want to devote his utmost attention to the movies, because he definitely didn't want to be a part of them.

Aamon, by his side, was in his early forties, a gorgeous man with raven eyes and hair, a sharp nose, and a deep voice, and I wouldn't be shocked if Maya couldn't resist his deceptive figure.

They proceeded to exchange glances when the movie ended, he cleared his throat of anxiety and attempted to strike up a conversation, but he couldn't muster the guts.

"I suppose I'm going to be leaving," she announced as she stood up.

With a weird gaze, he said, "It's dark out there."

"It had been a fantastic evening! I hope you had a good time, and I apologize if I disrupted whatever you were doing."

"Of course you didn't, thank you for making me grateful for something I wasn't enabling." She turned around as she opened the door and gave him a long, dazzling stare. "You are welcome to stay the night and go in the morning."

"Doesn't that seem like it'll cause any issues?"

"No way, close the door."

"So, where are you going to sleep?"

"You are welcome to sleep there." He pointed to a locked area inside the obscurity.

"How about you?"

"I'm going to sleep in my room it's close by."

She stood there dejected, presumably anticipating more, but Aamon was a difficult man to control.

"You know what, thank you for everything, but I'm leaving, and once again, thank you."

She pushed open the door and walked out without hesitation, leaving a frantic atmosphere behind her. "I told you to shut upppp," In the middle of the hallway, he yelled. He was disgusted with himself at the time.

“What was it she desired?”

“No, you already know the answer, and you already know that we should never allow it.”

“I know, now shut up”

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