Seb could feel her glance burning him up from the inside. He had never thought someone could make him feel giddish just by looking at him.

'Concentrate' Antti warned him.

'Mh?' He asked, as his eye was caught by Joey pulling herself out of the water. The light green bathing suit was sticking to her body, leaving not much to the imagination. Seb followed as she patted her pale skin dry before slouching on a lounger.

'I get it, enough' the Finn huffed. 'Stretch, please'

After Antti had left, Joey and Seb only had shy of an hour to get ready for their lunch appointment.

'You know... to save time and water we could share a shower' Seb told her, cheekily.

'Always the environmentalist, you. Are you sure it won't take us too long instead?'

'Depends what you've got in mind' he replied, with a smirk.

Joey bit her bottom lip to stop herself from saying too much, that only seemed to turn Sebastian on more. He scooped her up from her bum and carried her over to the bathroom, his lips sealed on hers throughout.

'You really shouldn't have worn that bikini whilst I was training' he groaned. 'Antti might have got a bit annoyed at me'

'How's that my fault?' She asked. 'You're the one who can't keep it in his pants' she teased. 'But, if it helps... I can always take it off' she reached for the back of the top to untie the lace.

'Hey, that's my job' Seb slapped her hand out of the way and pulled the fabric himself.

The touch of his fingers on her bare skin had sent a charge of electricity down her body, her nipples became turgid as soon as the garment had fallen off.

Seb was kissing every inch of her skin, lightly sucking and biting her naked neck. Joey could barely contain herself as she reached for Seb's training shorts. She quickly pulled them out of her way, with his underwear following shortly after. Joey slowly started stroking his erect penis, enjoying Seb's every wince and moan.

'I don't think I can wait much longer' he groaned and moving his hand towards Joey's upper thigh he pushed a finger inside of her.

'You're so wet' he creaked, tenderly lifting her so that her legs latched around his waist. Sebastian pushed himself inside of her, causing Joey to bite her lip to contain a moan.

'You can be as loud as you want' he said. 'I have no neighbours, remember?'

Sebastian picked up the pace, losing himself in the scent of her skin. The feeling of her fingers lightly pulling his hair was like a drug for him.

'Seb' she moaned.

'I love how you say my name'

'I'm gonna...' she couldn't finish her sentence, shaken by her first orgasm.

'Wow... just wow' Seb said, exhaling sharply. 'Now I really need a shower'

'And we don't have long left' Joey remarked. 'Who's gonna explain this to Kimi?' She chuckled.


Not long later, Seb parked his motorbike on Kimi's drive. The home was beautiful, overlooking a valley and Joey was once more left speechless.

'I can't believe you let me get only a bottle of wine' Joey told her partner. 'Kimi seems to be barbecuing food for an army'

'Seb! Joey!' The Finn called. 'Come, come' he signalled for them to walk over.

'Hey, Kimi' Joey let the Finn hug her.

'So lovely to see you, even if you both didn't tell me anything was happening between the two of you' he said, with a raised brow.

'You're not my dad' Joey remarked.

'But I feel like I made this happen so...'

'Joey!' Kimi was interrupted by Robin running over to the Irish girl.

'Hey Little one' she picked him up and twirled him around.

'Come' he grabbed her hand to carry her over to his toys.

Joey followed the child, quickly waving at Minttu who had just joined them on the patio.

Seb watched her as she ran around after Robin and Rianna who had decided to take her away from any form of adult conversation.

'Soooo' Kimi poured Seb a glass of juice and himself a beer. 'What you want to tell me?'

'I don't need to inform you about my love life, Kimi' Seb took a sip from his drink.

'But I convinced you to ask her out, can I have some details?'

'I'm falling for her, Kimi. I'm falling pretty hard.' Seb admitted. 'She's great, She's loving, She's caring'

'Good in bed?' Kimi interjected.

'Kimi!' Sebastian blushed.

'I'll take that as a yes. She's good with kids too' he added, pointing towards Joey and the children now playing football in the garden. Kimi knew how much Sebastian had wanted to start a family of his own.

'Yeah, maybe that's a bit early.' Seb replied 'I don't need to scare her off'

'Scare who off?' Joey asked, joining the two. 'Oh! Me! You were talking about me!' She chuckled at the drivers' embarrassed faces. 'Could I have some water, please? Between Antti's training and Rianna and Robin I don't think I'll get to the end of the day'

'Of course sorry, so rude of me' Kimi nodded. 'Be right back'

Sebastian wrapped his arm around Joey's back, lightly kissing her cheek making her smile.

'Sorry about them stealing me away' she said, once Minttu joined. 'I guess they're excited to see us again'

'They were so happy when we said you both were coming' Minttu replied.

At that point it was Uncle Seb's turn to be stolen away from the children. Joey made some small talk with Minttu, just before Kimi joined them again. He passed Joey some water and a glass of wine and concentrated again on his barbecue.

Joey liked that of Kimi. He didn't speak much, but he always had a way to make her feel welcomed. Minttu had started asking questions about her karting and driving career and, before they knew it, the sun had started setting over the property and cold air from the mountains had surrounded them.

Joey shivered in her summer dress. She really hadn't dressed for the weather, thinking that the mild temperatures of the day would be replicated in the evening.

Seb walked over to her, wrapping his hoodie over her shoulders and kissing her temple with a smile. Joey lost herself in his cologne, putting her arms through the holes and enjoying the warm sensation of the garment on her naked skin.

Kimi had watched over their interaction with what could only be described as personal pride. He felt like he had had something to do in the making of the couple and he really hoped they would go the distance.

Eyes on the prize- Sebastian VettelWhere stories live. Discover now