Sticking together

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Disfigured war veterans were not the top priority when it came to shipping people to another planet. And disfigured veterans, who were supposed to be dead, even more so.

The human race had long abandoned the Earth. Some by dying due to the increase in the greenhouse gases, others by jumping into portals and then some by gaining spots in one of the space shuttles and moving onto some extraterrestrial habitable place, to deplete it of its resources just like they had done to the blue planet. Not so blue anymore.

The sun had started compressing and heating up at the core.

The threat of a particular specie of aliens had done it for them. Not that Matt cared. The Earth was depleted as it was. What more was the threat for?

Staying in an underground shelter, stretching out his already meager ration and waiting for the inevitable destruction was all that Matt could do.

So it came as more than just a pleasant surprise when he met eyes with him. The one who was currently placing a knife to his throat and probably the same one who had so rudely interrupted him.

“Who are you?”

The other person was trying to be menacing, but his fatigued body could only do so much.

“I would like to know that too, buddy.”

It might have come off as a joke, but it was the truth. Except his name, Matt didn't remember much of his life before becoming a veteran. 

“Humans have evacuated Earth. You should have too, unless…,” Matt waited in patience for him to understand,“…unless you are not a human.”

Eyeing his skin, he finished. Suffice to say Matt's disappointment was over the roof.

“It is called a battle scar. A petty battle, not something to be particularly proud of, but that is humans. And I am a human.”

Matt said, offended, almost not noticing the hunch in the other person's shoulders as he sat on the floor.

He sighed, a tear slipping from his left eye which he tried to get rid of.

“Hey, hey, what…”

“I need to find them. I need to go to that planet. There has to be a way.”

The person kept on mumbling, trying to be reassuring.

“And you will find it. Now, what's your name?”


“Lee, why haven't you left the Earth?”


The inclination of his head was a clear indication that he didn't want to answer that. Touchy subject, perhaps.

I must help him, Matt thought.

“Did you know there have been many portal sightings, as of recent?”

That got his attention.

“What? You mean...”

“Yup, although those might not be the place you're looking for—”

“No. We need to start somewhere, you're right.”

“Well then. We need to stick together. No time to lose, let's get to work,” his muffled voice came as he went past the door, “But first, something for you to eat. Oh, and don't be shy in telling me who they are.”


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