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1 week later balcony:

"Sky is beautiful" Says Finn walking out to Quinn and putting his arms around her

"Yeah it really is" Says Quinn blushing in Finn's arms

"You know what's even more beautiful then the California sunset?" Ask Finn

"What my love? " Ask Quinn back

"You" Says Finn

"I don't feel that way" Says Quinn

"You should" Says Finn putting his hands on the top and bottom of Quinns bump "I love you Q" Says Finn

"I love you too Finn" Says Quinn before turning around and kissing him

"We have to get the kids ready for school and there allowing Bob at the pre school so we can have the house to are self get a little dirty" Says Finn after kissing her

"Mmm Finny Hudson I love you so much" Says Quinn and leans her head on his shoulder

"Quinn Hudson I love you more" Says Finn picking her up and kissing her and Quinn smiles until Beth runs outside to them

"MOM DAD! WILLIAM FEEL DOWN THE STAIRS!" Yells Beth and both Finn and Quinn run to the bottom of the stairs and Quinn picks him up while he's crying

"You okay baby boy?" Ask Quinn

"Where does it hurt?" Ask Finn

"All over" Says William crying and Quinn holds him tight

"Babe, Beth, Chris go put the bathtub at really cold and grab lots of washcloths and put them on the side" Says Quinn and all 3 go do that and Quinn kisses Williams head repeatedly "what happened?" Ask Quinn

"I trip on Chris skate board" he says while still crying

"Cmon" Quinn says while she gets up and brings him to his room and puts his bathing suit on him and brings him into the bathroom and passes William to Finn While she test the water

"You okay bud?" Ask Finn

"No" Replies William

"If you need anything let me or mommy know okay we'll be right here with you okay" Says Finn

"Okay Will the water is a bit cold but it'll help heal you" Says Quinn "Also where's Bob!" Ask Finn and smells burning "oh god" Says Quinn and she takes William and puts him in the water while Finn goes down stairs to find Bob, Chris and Beth cooking

"Guys what are you doing!" Ask Finn

"Cooking" Says Beth

"We fell bad Dad" Says Christopher

"Bi do Tulaliloo Ti Amo " Says Bob meaning I'm sorry we love you and Finn starts to clean up "Kids to your room" Says Finn

"What about school?" Ask Christopher

"Chris one thing at a time" Says Finn

"How about breakfast" Ask Beth

"Uh about we clean up and we pick up donuts" Says Finn and the kids shake there head and start cleaning

Raising Bob The Minion Where stories live. Discover now