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Finn is walking home from work and bumps Into a minion "Hey little fella your so cute what's your name? "


"Bob alright how old? "


"Oh you don't understand English" Finn neals down to bobs height and shows him a picture of Quinn "This is my wife" That's all it takes for Bob to fall in love with Quinn and Finn finds a picture of his house "Home"

"Home" Says Bob

"Yeah home" Says Finn and Bob takes Finn's hand

"Home" says Bob as Finn and Bob walk to Finn's car and Finn picks Bob up and puts him in Williams's seat and they drive home and Finn helps Bob out and they walk in the house "HONEY, KIDS I'M HOME!"And Quinn and the kids walk in and Quinn's mouth drops

"Honey, what's this?" Ask Quinn

"This is Bob I don't know what he is but he's cute." Says Finn and William waddles over to Bob and hugs him and Quinn pulls Finn to the side and the kids go play with Bob

"Finn we can't keep him we have a baby on the way who's going to be here in 3 months now" Says Quinn

"Cmon please Quinn think about it look at the kids they look so happy" Says Finn and Quinn looks at the kids high-fiving Bob and dancing with him

"Until we find his owner" Says Quinn

"Yes thank you Quinn your the best" Says Finn before kissing her

"Where is he going to sleep?" Ask Quinn

"Well we're going shopping for William's bed today so how about we buy another one for Bob there's a deal right now buy one get one"

"Alright" Says Quinn

"Have I told you today that I love you and you're the best wife ever?" Says Finn while smiling

"Every single day baby" Says Quinn before nuzzling Finn's chest and Christopher walks over and William waddles behind him

"Mom cmon can we keep him please?" Begs Christopher

"Ah pweas mama!" Ask William

"Just for a bit" Says Quinn and then the kids and Bob start cheering

Raising Bob The Minion Where stories live. Discover now