This time, Asui, Sato, and Mineta came.

"Please.. don't." I waved their attempts to drag me away off.

"Mr.L/N!" Bakugo tried to break free, but it was fruitless.

"I'll fill you in later." I murmured.


"Mind if I?" I asked Yagi pointing to a chair.

"Not at all... just don't try healing him. You're injured yourself." Yagi stated.

"Thank you." I mumbled before taking a seat and grabbing Izuku's other hand.

"Urgh! No need to use so much force!" I growled, immediately feeling Daigoro encase me in Black Whip and forcing me into a chair beside him.

They ignored me as they saw Izuku pop up.

"We need to have a talk before you wake up." Daigoro stated with a serious undertone in his voice.

"Sorry to put this on you both while times are still tough." Yoichi apologized.

"This is fate." Hikage said.

"Well.. it's more ova' timing thing, really." Daigoro said, turning to me.

"Banjo talked to you last time, right? If we don't include L/N of course." En asked.

"It looks like we have a bit of time here. Previously, we were only able to interact with you when you were severely mentally shaken. In the last four months, my power, One For All, has been growing exponentially and with that increase in capabilities, profiles of previous holders of OFA were copied in pasted. And over time. We were able to contact one another as well, once again." Yoichi stated.

"Since the previous encounter with Jack, forcing himself into our domain, it's become easier to all of them to come before us." I said, slightly reminiscing over what happened during our battle with Tomura.

"Well yer' privacy is safe now that L/N ere' has been pushing AFO out, so don't worry about being watched all the time! ACTH- you have no mouth again!" Daigoro pointed out.

"Wt deed yu meen.. aboot haveeng to tack..?" Izuku asked, his voice muffled by a black void. (What did you mean about having to talk?) Nonetheless, Daigoro was over the moon that Izuku could talk now.

"I will do the talking.. My name is Hikage Shinomori and I am the Fourth User of One For All. Your previous fight brought fourth my power through your will." Hikage said, referring to Danger Sense.

"You scared me there. I was alerted to be alert to your alertness manifesting." Hikage stated.

"Mister' Shinimori here is a weirdo hermit who lived in the woods cuz' he was so irritable when it came to society." Daigoro tried smacking Hikage as he released his hold on me.

"It was a turbulent time, I wasn't the weirdo, everyone else was. Plus, I talked to L/N from time to time." Hikage said. As he avoided Daigoro's entourage of attacks, he continued, "are you aware.. of my age and cause of death?"

"Yoo wre 40.. cuz ov deff wss..." Izuku trailed off, he didn't know. (You were 40.. cause of death was..)

"It was old age." Hikage said.

"A shock.. I know." I said, seeing Izuku's face.

"I didn't understand why either.. Banjo and I were discussing it amongst each other but it was through Yagi that we were able to understand. In layman's terms, One for All is no longer able to be held by a regular person. I held One For All the longest aside from Yagi. For those 18 years, I evaded AFO while training this power. With his phenomenal strength, I realized I could never defeat him in that state. I just had to nurture this power myself so someone else could do it. And in my final year.. the Quirk broke my body.

"At first, I thought it was a case of me having a weak constitution- at worse, a chronic disease.. but with Yagi's existence, he would confirm all my suspicions. Me dying of old age.. it meant that One For All would slowly but surely burn away the life force of any one of its holders." Hikage explained.

"Eiffe fours.. fats sheribble.. buh... way a mment! Wut.. aboot All Moot, oo eld Un fur Ool ay lut lunger dan See-no-mrr-ree?" Izuku asked. (Life force that's terrible, but wait a moment! What about All Might, who held One For All a lot longer that Shinomori?)

"That's the thing, we're trying to say.. we can't compare it to me seeing as I hadn't had OFA all that long and I died while fighting.." Yoichi said.

"Yagi thought that the incongruency had to deal with an invisible line that the each of us could take. Which led to another thought.. 'What did Yagi have that Hikage didn't?'" I finished.

He's Quirkless.

He's Quirkless

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