The Gown- Chapter 15

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Hey guys!

I'm introducing a new seriously cheerful (you'll get it when you read it) character, so please let me know if you like her :D

Okay, here goes...


The Gown- Chapter 15:

I sat in bed, staring at the smooth wooden barrier between Zay and myself: my bedroom door.

I was actually quite confused right this moment. One part of me was reasoning that at least I spoke the truth and prevented any possible food-poison-realated deaths as a result of Zay's cooking.

The other part- the wilder part- was screaming at me, demanding how I could be so heartless as to not take his feelings into consideration? How I could stand watching him leave, knowing that he's experienced a hell of a lot I don't know about, and I was the one who had further made him hurt?

And if I wanted to be perfectly honest, I COULDN'T stand him leaving. Not because I was scared of him, or because I hated him, but for a reason I was afraid to look into. A reason I was afraid to identify.

I ruefully set aside the bowl of soup, and walked up to my white wicker dressing table, which had fairy lights hung around it and framing it.

I sighed, tidying things up into hidden drawers and compartments. As I began to untie my hair, I noticed a small brown paper bag on the far end of the dressing table.

I reached out and grabbed it, when I noticed a white note attached to it. It small, inky cursive writing read:

Hey Sleeping Beauty,

Just wanted to give you a little something. You probably don't remember it, but I do perfectly. Last time I was here, I asked you why you don't trust me. You probably weren't serious when you said

"Raisin cookies that look like chocolate are the reason why i have trust issues". I don't expect you to trust me, but at least this is a first step.


I stared at the note, unsure what to think of it, when I remembered the paper bag.

I tentatively opened it, to see one single triple chocolate fudge cookie within. At the back of the paper, it wrote:

Triple the chocolate for extra trust??

That just inflated my conscience a million times bigger. I rushed to my walk-in wardrobe and grabbed a wooly cardigan, before stuffing my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. I took the elevator down to ground floor, and bolted to my car without hesitation.

I fumbled on my seatbelt and backed out of the driveway, just in time to see the direction of where Zay was speeding off. I pressed the pedal hard and levelled the sharp intake of breath as I accustomed myself to the speed.

I watched Zay's motorcycle alertly, which was still a fair distance away from my car.

I realised that wherever Zay was going, he was taking the longer way, pointlessly twisting and turning through tiny streets and avenues.

Alarmed that he might have recognised my car, or the fact that I was following him, I swerved in what I thought to be an obscure manner, and took the main road that would easily allow me to turn into any one of the streets. The road was surprisingly very empty.

Red and blue flashing lights directly next to me caused me to halt, and I sighed frustratedly as I stopped on the side of the road.

A manly voice belonging to an officer yelled at me to drive to the side of the road they were on, so I compliantly obeyed.

The Gown (Soon to undergo MAJOR editing)Where stories live. Discover now