21: ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʀ

Start from the beginning

The guys don't argue with her, which is probably wise, and it's all settled.

I finish my bagels quickly, excited to be doing something other than laying in a hospital bed. I leave the group in the kitchen and go back up to my room to get properly ready.

Today, it's pretty cold, but it's not freezing, so I don't have to wear a coat. I put on a long sleeved white fitted shirt, dark blue jeans, and a cozy light brown knit cardigan. All of these clothes are maternity, and I'm surprised that they're so stylish. Most maternity clothes I've encountered were big and basically gave you a blob shape. I'm glad that I've finally found something for me.

I pick out a pair of brown boots that go all the way up to my knees. Thankfully, they don't have a heel, so I'll be comfortable.

Once I'm dressed, I put on a few jewelry pieces. A few rings that I take out of my jewelry box reveals a certain necklace. Picking up the gold Python necklace that Harry gave to me, I stare at it blankly. I stare at it a little bit longer before putting it on, the long piece of jewelry hidden beneath my shirt. I don't know why I put it on, but having it on makes me feel better. I mean it does have a tiny knife inside of it, so that's probably why. Yeah, that's definitely it.

I don't really feel like doing heavy makeup, so I just blot on some plum colored lipstick and a touch of blush on the apples of my cheeks.

I'm all ready to go, but I know the girls probably aren't, so I get my newly bought iPad and go into the app that let's me see my daughter.

It lags a bit, but then my beautiful girl is on the screen.

I know it's irrational, but she looks bigger despite me seeing her just yesterday. I know it only seems like it since I'm not there, but that doesn't stop the tears.

"Hi baby! Good morningggg." I say in a sing song voice, trying to stay positive. My baby moves around a bit at the sound of my voice, which completely warms my heart. I talk and sing to her until I get a text from Daria that they're ready to go.

"Mommy has to go, but I promise that I will see you soon. Bye, my love." It's hard to click out of the app, but I force myself to. I take a minute to collect myself before going downstairs.

Josie and Daria stand at the door with grins on their faces that makes me think they're up to something. I ignore it because I doubt they'd do something to me while I'm pregnant.

"You look cute, ready to go?" I smile at Josie's compliment and nod.

We shout a goodbye to the boys, lock the house up and leave. I decide to drive, since I'm the one who knows where the shop is.

My car is filled with light conversation and I enjoy it. I don't know how long it's been since I've just enjoyed the simple things. We make a quick stop at Starbucks to get some hot drinks, and we keep going. I got a hot chocolate, Daria got a caramel latte, and Josie got a dulce de leche cappuccino. The car smells like Fall; another thing that makes me happy.

By the time we get to the store, we've mostly finished our drinks. We leave them in the car to finish later. Outside, a slight wind has picked up, blowing the changing leaves in the crisp air.

Today is perfect.

In the store, we branch off to our own desires. I scour the aisles until I find the perfect two baby books.

They're both velvet, but one is a dark red crushed velvet and the other is a dark soft pink color. They have a square picture slot on the front where I'll put their sonogram. The inside is even better because the font is a readable cursive, and the pages are a soft pink color. They don't have a price on them, but I'll get them no matter the cost.

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