20: ʜᴏᴍᴇ

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By the time the rest come back to my room, I have cleaned up the blood, dismantled and put away the gun, and I have regained my composure

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By the time the rest come back to my room, I have cleaned up the blood, dismantled and put away the gun, and I have regained my composure. I have pushed deep thoughts about Harry to the corner of my mind.

I do notice that Ava did not come back with the others, which doesn't surprise me in the least. Her and Louis are attached at the hip and he probably thought I would do something to her to get back at him.

... I can't say that he was wrong, but I also don't think I'd hurt an innocent person for my own personal gain.

Josie asks me what happened, and I can tell that everyone else is just as curious. Not beating around the bush, I tell them that Niall, Louis, and Alverich knew that Harry was alive. I decide against giving out any more details than that.

Josie goes into a curse filled rant, which Zayn and Daria shield the boys' ears from. When she's done, Josie apologizes, but it sounds like she's apologizing for the entire fucked up situation.

"It's not your fault." Which it isn't. It's Harry's.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed and done with the situation, I request to hold Javadd. Daria hands him over more quickly than she did before with Mateo. The baby clings to me and lays on my chest, snuggling into me. He may be 10 months old, but he's not as chunky as Mateo. It also makes me happy that he is able to lay on me fully without disturbing my growing stomach.

"Jo, can I talk with you outside?" I look at Zayn's neutral expression as he stares at Josie, and I know that something is up. Zayn doesn't show when he's angry, but if you know him well enough you can tell.

I know he's extremely upset about Harry, and it suddenly hits me that I'm not the only one affected by this. Just like when I thought he was dead, I wasn't the only one who was mourning. And now, I'm not the only one feeling betrayed.

A bit of that simmering rage seeps away at the realization and I'm left feeling a sliver of remorse. Remorse for not considering how others are feeling about this.

Because now not only was I betrayed by Louis, Niall, and Alverich. Hell, they all at some point have lived in Zayn and Josie's house. I can definitely relate to them on that.

As I think about this, I glance over at Daria and I can practically read her mind. Once Zayn and Josie leave the room, I scoot over and pat the space beside me.

"Come and sit with me, Dar." She looks a little reluctant and nervously looks down at the baby she's holding (Mateo). After a small bit of convincing, she sits next to me with Mateo on her lap.

Once she's all settled, I nudge her a bit. "It's okay to tell me how you feel, you know. Don't think about me being in the hospital or anything. Tell me your unfiltered feelings about this entire situation. I know that you have your journal, but it's also healthy to say some things out loud."

Daria sighs, and it sounds so tired and sad. She absentmindedly starts playing with Mateo as she begins to speak. "This whole thing sucks. Like, ever since you told us about Harry, all I can think is: is Roxy alive? Could... could it be possible that she's alive as well? I know it sounds stupid, but I can't help but hope. If she faked her death, I'll be royally pissed but at least she'll be alive, ya know? Also it sucks that you had your baby early and that you were alone during all of this. I just feel overwhelmed."

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