Chapter 07: Blowing Hot and Cold

Start from the beginning

When all were seated, Lauren made a short speech to thank her guests before the dinner started, "Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming this evening, thank you for the presents, too." Lauren pointed to the table where the presents were, "I'll open them later. Don't worry if you don't bring any," the guests laughed, "your presence is far way more meaningful than the presents," they smiled, "but I still love the presents," they laughed, "as return, I hope you would enjoy the food, let's eat..." Lauren said sweetly.

"To Lauren..." Sam asked to make a toast for Lauren.

"Lauren..." they said in unison.

The staff was serving the food. They enjoyed the food and the conversation over dinner. Lauren would subtly look in Camila's way, checking on her, but their eyes never met. Camila made herself busy with the food or talked to Ally and Dinah, who sat closest to her. When Lauren talked to the girls, Camila did not say anything at all. Everyone was following and talking, but Camila would just smile subtly. It was unlike her as she always said something when they talked. She barely looked at Lauren or paid full attention to her. Lauren noticed that. She hoped Camila would say something that they would talk to each other indirectly, but Camila did not.

After the main course, some left the dining table for the pool area or stood in the open space, enjoying their cakes, drinks, or other sweets and desserts served. Lauren moved around to talk to her guests.

"Dinah," Camila called Dinah, who was talking to Halsey.

"Yes, Mila." Dinah left Halsey.

"I'm leaving," Camila said.

"Mila is not even nine," Dinah asked her to stay longer.

"Yes, but I got a baby girl who will need me tomorrow morning," Camila said.

"Mila..." Dinah pouted subtly.

"Is it okay if I leave you with Mani?" Camila said. She knew Dinah was hooking up with Normani secretly.

"Yes, sure," Dinah said.

"Okay, I am going..." Camila turned around to leave, but Dinah stopped her.



"Aren't you going to tell Lauren that you are leaving?" Dinah asked. Camila even did not tell the girls that she was leaving. She only told Dinah.

They looked in the direction where Lauren was standing and hugging Anitta while talking to her bandmates. They looked intimate.

"I guess no," Camila said.

"Mila," Dinah sighed. She did not know what to say. She guessed her best friend still had a feeling for Lauren.

Camila shrugged, "I'll go to the restroom and leave. Have fun with Mani," Camila winked at Dinah and left. Dinah laughed.

Lauren, who was still talking to her bandmates, did not notice Camila's departure, but Lucy did. "Lern..."

Lauren turned around, "hi, Lu..."

"It seems Camila has to leave," Lucy nodded in the direction where Camila was walking into the house.

"..." Lauren saw Camila. Lauren looked at Lucy once before she left Lucy without saying anything and went after Camila. 

Lauren got inside the house. She saw Camila go to the bathroom. She was waiting for Camila in the room near the exit door. Camila came out of the bathroom and went straight to the door. She did not see Lauren as she was in hurry. When she was about to open the door, Lauren called her.

My Forever Crush ** (Sequel to My First Real Girl Crush)Where stories live. Discover now