9 - Heather's Genius [FINAL]

Start from the beginning

Entrance Gate, Helgium Royal Academy.

The carriage continued down the stone-paved road.

Eventually, it arrived at a vast field with grandiose buildings. An elegant main entrance, stately buildings, and a beautiful garden. This was the Helgium Royal Academy.

As he descended from the carriage, which had stopped in front of the entrance hall of the principal building, he couldn't help but make such a remark to himself.

"I'm late, huh..."

The entrance hall of the Helgium Royal Academy was adorned with chandeliers hanging from its high ceiling, a carpet covering its marble floor, and several beautiful flags with the emblems of each high-ranking noble family displayed on its walls.

Standing imposingly in this entrance hall was a plump man named Rooks, muttering to himself. To others, he appeared to be an unapproachable, perspiring, plump man standing there sweating, but in reality, he was simply gazing off into the distance. Then he simply walked, not paying attention to his surroundings.

Rooks entered the classroom without any hesitation.

Countless gazes inside the classroom focused on the door. However, once they saw Rooks's figure, they all instantly vanished, replaced by countless whispers and covered their nose when he got nearer to them.

"Hey... the Fat Pig is here."

"That appearance, that sweaty fatty fat... how disgusting."

Some looked away as if to avoid meeting his eyes. Some stared at him as if to insult and belittle him. Some glared at him as if he were the sworn enemy of their houses.

Rooks nonchalantly entered the classroom under all those hostile and nasty reactions.

"Good morning, everyone."

Unlike Rooks, who was contemplating how to quiet his classmates, Mapua greeted her peers with a charming smile.

"Hey, Rooks Boa Whillistine."

Rooks was blankly staring at Mapua but directed his gaze to the unimpressed voice behind his younger sister.

The source of that voice was a youth with mint-colored hair and crimson eyes that seemed to be ablaze.

Those piercing eyes, tinged with contempt, exuded an aura of determination.

"Thank you for your politeness."

"Y-your Highness Mariel... "

Although she was slightly taken aback by her sudden appearance, Mapua addressed the girl.

The title "Your Highness" attached to her name must indicate that this presumptuous person is the princess of the overseas country known as the Alkatross Kingdom.

He then realized that several boys were standing behind Mariel. As they are also scowling in this direction, they are likely the princess's followers.

In other words, they must hold high status as well. It would be problematic to get involved with them, so he should endeavor to not...

"Hello, you! Are you listening? "

Since Mariel's fervent voice interrupted his train of thought, Rooks slightly furrowed his brows and looked at her.

" My apologies, Princess Mariel. I was not paying attention. "

"Wha...!? You, you dare act like that in front of me, your fiancée! "

Rooks was amazed from the depths of his heart that Mariel would be so incensed even though he had given a proper apology.

"Your Highness, please calm down!"

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