Chapter 26 - Golden - Hippo Campus

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"That's what WE do... The fuck..."

"WE'RE not a thing right now... I don't want to have an argument over this please, I'm still hurting a bit."

You heard Akaashi's footsteps start walking towards you. He hugged your shoulders and you felt his breath against your ear.

"Hey Kuroo..." Akaashi started talking, trying to get the attention of the man on the other side of the line.

"Babe...? Who the fuck is..." Kuroo started talking and you looked at Akaashi who grabbed your hand gently and took your phone out of your hand.

"It's Akaashi..." He put your phone on speaker so you could hear Kuroo's response. You were about to speak but Akaashi put his hand over your mouth and winked at you.

"The fuck do you want...?" Kuroo said, obviously annoyed at the sudden change of persons on the phone.

"Woah man, I wouldn't be using that attitude if I were you." Akaashi said smugly. You were flustered and you wanted to clear things up with Kuroo.

"Yeah whatever. The fuck do you want."

"Oh please... I fucked your girlfriend and I could do it again if I wanted to. Oh look... We're alone right now."

"Y/n? Babe, what the fuck?"

"She can't talk to you right now, she's... A little busy."

You blushed but you were kind of anxious at what Akaashi was saying, you didn't want to make Kuroo mad and you didn't want to cause any more trouble than what has already happened.

You struggled to move Akaashi's hand off your mouth, you ended up using both hands and he wrapped his arm around your neck. You placed your chin on his elbow.

"Tetsurou, Eva and Bokuto went to get sushi and they'll be back in a bit, I swear okay, nothings gonna happen with Keiji, we're watching a movie and you asked to call and everything is fine and I know what you feel and I know what I feel and I want you to know that I really miss you okay? Please just, it's not a big deal."

"I wanted to hear your voice, it calms me down all the time and I love-- like it and everything okay. Fine. I trust you. I love you." Your eyes widened as Kuroo said this and you blushed.

"I love you too Tetsurou, I always will."

"Have a nice night Y/n, and Akaashi, fuck off and don't you dare touch my fucking girl again, I'll beat you up."

"Have a nice night, Kuroo." Akaashi hung up your phone and handed it back to you. His arms will still wrapped around your body. You were flustered and confused at what happened. You know Kuroo trusted you, you wouldn't do anything with Akaashi tonight, you know you wouldn't.

You turned around to face Akaashi. His face inches away from yours.

"I bet you're fighting the urge to kiss me right now." He smirked at you. You felt his breath tickle your lips.

"Keiji..." You felt a bit flustered but still wouldn't budge.

"Say my name again, pretty." He unwrapped his arms from your body and ran his right hand down your left arm which made a shiver go up your spine. He gently grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.

"Stop teasing me."

"Maybe I'm just a little bit jealous baby. Telling Kuroo you love him in front of me... I like what we have." He used his other hand to cup your jaw and gently move it to your chin, propping your head up to look into his eyes.

"What we have is a good friendship, Keiji."

"Bullshit... Just friends... Stop lying to yourself."

"What happened to helping me out, you being a player, what happened..."

"How come you haven't let go of my hand yet..?"


Akaashi started to lean into you, you could feel his breath against your lips, his lips gently grazed yours.

"Oh c'mon baby... What's a little kiss..." Akaashi whispered against your lips causing your stomach to turn upside down, for some reason. You felt like you were moving in slow motion as you watched Akaashi slowly move closer to you.

"We're back!" You heard the door open and it startled you and Akaashi. His grip from your hand loosened and you let go of it and gently turned your head around.

"Hey!" You said a little bit too loudly. "What did you guys get?"

You saw the two bags Eva and Bokuto were carrying. They opened them and there was a platter of sushi they were holding. You turned your head to look back at Akaashi who was already staring at you. You turned back and got some plates in the kitchen and brought them back to the table.

You were finishing eating and you were watching Eva and Bokuto talking.

"Hey y/n?" Akaashi said. He was sitting next to you and had a few pieces of sushi left on his plate. "Here..." He was holding a piece of sushi with chopsticks pointing it towards your mouth. He moved it closer to yours and you stuck out your tongue and opened your mouth, slightly teasing Akaashi. He placed the sushi on your tongue and you brought it back into your mouth and started to chew it. Akaashi winked at you which caused you to lose your breath and you coughed slightly.

"Aw choking now?" He smirked at you. You continued to chew and you rolled your eyes at Akaashi. You felt your phone vibrate and you checked the notification.


I love you

Please come back to me


Okay so Akaashi may be slightly OOC however we like this just because it's nice and I don't know tension kind of makes us flustered :P. To make up for it we will definitely make some Akaashi one shots!

partners | t. kurooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon