Chapter 1 - supercuts - Jeremy Zucker

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Your alarm is going off and you reach for your phone to turn it off. You check the time, 9:46 am. Shit. You're gonna be late. You throw on a cute sweater and pants that'll be comfortable for the day, you place your laptop in your bag and all your notebooks and textbooks too and make your way to the washroom.

"Hey y/n !" You look up, it's your best friend Eva, you met her at a party on campus once during first year and you've been best friends ever since. It's great that she lives right down the hall from your dorm.

"Hey Eva!" You say back in a rush.

"Don't tell me you overslept again." She said, as she sighed.

"Well, you know." You said as you finally got to the washroom.

"I'll text you later, I'll be at the café, just show up when you can!" She yelled as you pushed the door open.

You cleaned up a little, brushed your teeth and when you finished, started making your way towards the main campus. Luckily your campus wasn't huge so you could make your first class of the day in time, maybe. You check your phone, 9:57. SHIT, SHIT SHIT. You had three minutes to get there and you had to be on time. So you started a little jog, class started at 10:00 but you were hoping your professor didn't show up on time today, he's usually a few minutes late himself so why does he expect everyone to be there on time themselves?

You made it to the science building and sprinted up the stairs skipping every other step until you reached the fourth floor. You got to room 405 and took a seat at the last empty lab bench. Your first course today was to go along with your chemistry class. It's a general chemistry lab, being the biochemistry major you were, you found chemistry fascinating. You look up and you realize who's sitting at your bench. It was a guy, he had black spiky hair, kind of a buff build and a pair of glasses. It was none other than Tetserou Kuroo. This guy was your competition for almost everything and it's been that way since high school, no way was he in your chem lab too. You knew he went to your University, but you didn't know he was in your lab!

You and Kuroo go way back. Not in a good way. Ever since the beginning of high school, the two of you were the top students of your class for each science based course. You despised him. You hated whenever he got first place, you hated coming second, especially to him. You knew he felt the same way too, because whenever he came second to you, he had that look in his eyes. The look of defeat and disgust. For years it went on and during your last year the competition got to you. Everyone knew not to mess with both of your competitive natures but none of them could compete with you guys anyways. However, you blew the lead to him, during midterms you ranked ahead of him but you started slipping after that.

You had some problems going on at home, your parents were going through a divorce and it really messed with your head. You had to be in the middle and it ripped you to shreds. Oddly enough the one thing that kept you sane was this little competition with your rival. You tried to block out the whole mess by studying and spending countless hours in the library instead of being home. You'd even come back late on purpose because you got lost in thought learning new material that was interesting to you until you got kicked out. However due to this, Kuroo took first in almost everything, except the one subject he cared about the most. Chemistry. He loved chemistry and you knew that, so you did everything you could to beat him there. The look on his face when he saw you beat him for your last year when he had come first for it every year prior, he couldn't believe it. He looked at you coldly and stormed off. For some reason, it made you happy to see him suffer this way.

"Good Morning class, I hope you read up on today's lab. If not, just ask I'll help you, no worries." Your professor walks through the door snapping you out of your daydream. "I hope you enjoy where you're sitting because that will be your lab partner for the first part of the semester. No changing, I don't make the rules, wait yes I do. No changing."

Immediately you look up and Kuroo is already glaring at you. This is bad, you thought to yourself. This guy HATES me, what the hell am I going to do with him for two months give or take. We HATE each other, we've never even been paired up for group projects when we were in high school but now in University we get paired together. Great. Well at least you knew he was smart, so you wouldn't be doing all the work yourself.

"So today we're focusing on..." You hear your professor say while you're already 3 steps ahead. You took out your notebook and looked at what you wrote down last night. Right, this should be easy enough for you, you even took liberty in researching the components for today. You glance over at Kuroo who had his notebook open too. Needless to say, the two of you were on the same page when it came to school work. You knew as long as you two got over this weird feud you had, you both could remain at the top of your class.

"You researched it too?" Kuroo whispered to you pointing at your notes.

"Of course why wouldn't I?" You whispered back harshly. What could he possibly be thinking. Honestly whatever, he knows who I am there's no way he wouldn't recognize me.

"You two over there what did I just say?" Your professor points his finger at you and Kuroo. You were frozen in fear. You barely knew this prof, it was only your second lab meeting, technically your first since last week was just a 'get to know me' type of lab. You look at Kuroo and hopefully he had an idea of what was going on.

"UH- right you were talking about the reaction, if reactant A reacts with reactant B it should produce the... " Kuroo rambled on, you knew for a fact he was making this up on the spot so you smirked a little.

"Okay close enough, anyways as I was saying..." You tuned out your prof again as you started to read your notes again. You mouth 'thanks' to Kuroo and he shrugs and looks back down at his notebook.

"Y/n you're not even doing it properly." Kuroo said, rolling his eyes and taking the pipette from you.

"What the hell are you talking about? I literally did it." You said as you watched as a textbook reaction occurred.

"I'm impressed." A voice said behind your shoulder. It was your professor. "At first I thought you two were one of those couples that didn't pay attention but maybe the two of you are just geniuses." He said grinning.

"We're not dating, we just happen to both have slightly higher than average IQs and sat at the same bench." Kuroo said not looking up from what he was doing.

"Oh wait! You're Tetserou and y/n, my apologies!" He said as he glanced down at the names on the chart the two of you made for your lab.

"My colleagues talk extremely highly of the two of you. Keep up the good work. "  He said moving to the next table.


"Okay so I guess if we work on it we can just compare the answers anyways." You said as you and Kuroo cleaned your lab bench off stuffing his things into his bag.

"Yea, whatever works." He said, grabbing his bag and making his way out the door. You grab your phone and text Eva.

Eva :P

guess who my fkn lab partner is




bruh me neither,
i'm stuck with him for two months


no but knowing him
kuroo will tell him before i get to



oh ya, see you later

I can't let him ruin the chemistry lab for me, you thought to yourself. Little does he know, chemistry is your favourite subject too.

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