Chapter 21 - Heat Waves - Glass Animals

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You woke up with Kuroo's arms wrapped around you. You stayed the night at Kuroo's dorm and the two of you were up late watching more documentaries of information you learned from the museum. You both fell asleep while watching.

You were thinking back to the moment you shared with Kuroo under the stars thinking back to what you said to him. You told him you were in love with him... But you don't remember him saying it back. He asked you to be his girlfriend but you don't remember him saying he loved you back. You started to question his feelings for you, even though it seemed like he felt the same way, you weren't sure.

You turned to face him and he was already awake looking at you. You smiled and snuggled your face into the crook of his neck and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Good morning y/n." He said kissing your head. You squeezed him tighter and looked back at him.

"Kuroo you never said it back."

"Said what?"

"You know... When we were standing in the middle of the dome and I said what I said..."

"I didn't?"


"Shit, sorry I was caught up in the moment, you looked beautiful and everything was just... Perfect... Do you want me to say it now?"

"I don't want you to force it out."

"I'm not forcing anything."

"Okay but I want to hear you say it when you really want to say it."

"So when is that?"

"I don't know, whenever it feels good for you... I just... Do you?"

"Of course I do... I'm in love with you too y/n." He kissed your lips softly and pulled away to see the flustered look on your face. You blushed at him and he smiled at you.

"I have so much shit to work on today." You said getting out of bed. Kuroo pulled you back and cuddled you.

"C'mon baby stay a few more minutes for me." He whispered in your ear.

"Tetsurou I have a lot of work to do."

"Please, 10 more minutes."

"I'm gonna fall back asleep."

"Good." He said as he bit your ear. You flicked his head, got up and went to check your phone. You were surprised that you haven't received any recent texts from Eva or Kenma.

"Let's go eat." Kuroo said, giving you a hug around your neck from behind you.



You and Kuroo were in a study room at the library working on all your work you had to do. You compared your results again and worked on the report for the week. You also were preparing for more research with a bunch of your professors.

You checked your email and you saw a recent one from Professor Ukai, this was the first time he reached out to you after the explosion.

Keishin Ukai

20 minutes ago

Hi y/n,

When possible, please come visit me in my office to chat about redoing the mock experiment. Anytime today will suffice, I'm in my office all day.


Professor Ukai

You check the time and it's only 2:57pm. You still had plenty of time to review and go over a bunch of other work.

"Hey babe." You said to Kuroo, making him look up from the textbook he was reading. He had a highlighter between his teeth and one elbow propped up on the table and his head resting in the palm of his hand.


"Yeah?" He said, fixing his eyes on you.

"I'm gonna go talk to Professor Ukai, it'll be quick, I'm leaving my stuff here."

"Okay baby."

You gave him a quick kiss and left the study room you were in. You made your way down the stairs and towards the science building. As you were walking you admired your campus architecture and the buildings that surrounded you. The weather was also nice today so you were hoping maybe you and Kuroo could go on a walk later.

You made your way upstairs to Professor Ukai's office and his door was open.

"Oh hey y/n." He looked up from his desktop and motioned for you to take a seat in the chair opposite his desk.

"Hi Prof." You took a seat.

The two of you talked about when would be ideal times to meet throughout the next few weeks and how the two of you would go about the project.

You talked for about 45 minutes and looked at the time. You wanted to head back as soon as possible but you wanted to talk to him about one more thing.

"Professor Ukai, please let Kuroo back on. He deserves another chance, you know how good of a student he is." You begged.

"Okay and, he messed up, his problem." He snarked back at your comment.

"He lied, we both messed up, if you're gonna kick him off you have to kick me off too."

"Well then this project is just gonna be voided, I can't have that, it's been 2 years, we just talked about how we can make it better. I'm not kicking you off of it, you've worked hard with me on this and you're just as much of an asset to this study as I am. You're the one who came to me with the idea."

"It's me and Kuroo or we forget about the project."

"Fine, however he can only help with calculations, he won't be permitted to touch any chemicals at all. You can let him know. What's with you wanting to do things with Kuroo now anyways? Last year you both kept competing over everything and now this year you guys are lab partners?"

"Um... I don't know, I guess using his brain and digging at it with challenges is... Exciting. He's a really talented brain and I'm sure he'll go really far in this field too. I'm positive. Oh! I'll be sure to tell him about everything! Thank you for believing in me, professor!"

You left his office and made your way back to the library. You had a smile plastered across your face as you made your way into the study room where Kuroo was working on solving equations on the white board.

You closed the door and wrapped your arms around his waist. He jumped and looked down at you.

"Well hello there my pretty girl." He said, his eyes looking down at you.

"Guess what!" You said pulling away from him. "I got you back on the project." You smiled and his face dropped.

"You what?"

"I thought you'd be happy."

"I am I just, how-"

"Well, you're only allowed to work on calculations and theory and I have to go over everything with you, but..."

He lifted you up and pulled you into a tight embrace.

"Man, I love you." He kissed you and looked deep into your eyes.

"I love you too Tetsurou."


aww aren't we cute!!! 


hope you've enjoyed their chemistry thus far, we love what we have planned next!!

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