Chapter 19 - Summertime In Paris - Jaiden and WILLOW

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"Eva I'm not doing your stupid calculus right now, I have other things to work on." You said as you handed back her notebook.

"Okay, but can you at least tell me if I'm doing it right?" She asked you with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," you look through her notebook and circle any mistakes that you find, "here, go through your notes again and fix your mistakes."

She took the notebook back from you and started rereading her notes on her laptop. You fixed your eyes on your computer. It was Friday afternoon and the two of you were in your usual spot at the cafe.

You were finishing up some plans for your next meeting with Professor Ukai. You had a lot to do for the next coming weeks for both your classes and your research projects, you wanted to focus on school, more than you already were. You've been talking to Kuroo less, just because he might be a bit of a distraction to you. You've talked to Kenma a bunch and he's been helping you a lot through your family problems.

You had to admit, you missed the company Kuroo gave you, not to mention he was another outlet for you when you were going through something. He was gentle with you and always made time to talk and listen to you. You don't really know how you feel about him, you definitely don't hate him, but you don't know how you feel at all. You've watched him slowly become a good friend to you. But you don't know if you saw him as just a friend.

You leaned your head back stretching your neck and looked up at the glass ceiling of the cafe. The sky was painted lavender with pink streaks as the sun was setting. You looked back ahead of you and behind Eva you saw Kuroo waving at you. You smiled at him and he indicated that he wanted you to come over to him. You shrugged your shoulders and he gave you a smirk and pointed to the back of a bookcase. He went in that direction and you rolled your eyes.

"Hey Eva, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You said getting up from your seat as you didn't wait for her response. You quickly made your way from the cafe into the bookshop that was connected to the cafe. You couldn't find Kuroo so you turned around weaving in and out of the bookshelves. You took out your phone to text him and you felt arms wrapping around your shoulders. You let out a gasp and turned around to see Kuroo.

"You scared the crap out of me!" You said as you hit his chest.

"I wanted to surprise you." He said pulling you in for a hug.

"Yeah, what do you want? I have a shit ton of work to finish."

"Listen... So are you free tomorrow?"

"I just said I have a shit ton of work to do."

"I have two tickets to the science museum and I want you to come with me."



The idea intrigued you and you felt it'd be a good way to relax. So you gave him a smile.


"So it's a date."

"A DATE?!?" You said loudly, catching the attention of customers nearby. "Uh, what?"

"Y/n, I want to take you out on a date."

Your eyes widened as he said date and you looked at him. You couldn't tell what he wanted. He made himself hard to read in this situation. But you felt yourself blushing and became flustered. Maybe you were falling for Kuroo, maybe you have been this entire time.

"... Okay, a date it is then." You said. A smile spread across your face and you saw Kuroo blush. He pulled you in again and planted a kiss against your lips. You synced your lips with his as they moved softly together. You pulled away and rested your head on his chest. You felt his heart beat rise and you looked up at him. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Wear something nice, you owe me."

"I don't owe you jackshit, but fine." You rolled your eyes at him as you went back to your seat where Eva was waiting for you.

"You took long." She said as you sat back down and turned on your laptop.

"Well I had to, uh..."

"Stop lying."

"Fine, I want to talk to my boy."

"What about Akaashi?"

"Oh right, he was okay. It's just, I got in a fight with my boy when I went to go fuck him and I feel really really bad about it and now I don't really want to face Akaashi again."

"You got into a fight with your boy... The night you and Kuroo fucked up your experiment..?"

"Yeah, it was before my experiment so that's another reason my head was messed up during the experiment."


"Anyways I'm going on a date tomorrow." You said smiling.

"Oh finally, good, when do I get to meet him?"

"When I want to introduce him to you."

"Which will be..."

"Soon, I promise."

"I hope you wear something nice."

"I always wear nice clothes."

She smirked as you continued to work. You looked down and smiled, Kuroo plastered in your mind.


hello our favourite people!! we're so happy to be back !! we have so many ideas rn but we both started work so we'll be writing on weekends and trying to upload. 

we're thinking that sesh may be done soon and we'll continue partners and go along with the plot that we've come up with :). can't wait to show you guys what we've been working on !!! 

thank you again for all the love, once we finish up sesh we'll be working on partners and an oikawa fic as well :))) 

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