Chp. 3: The Girl In The Yellow Sweater

Start from the beginning

I glance to my right, noticing a teacher staring daggers at me. My smile widens, as I turn and walk up to him; shoving my hands into my pockets, "Mornin', Couch Simmons."

He sighs, "Morning, Travis. What do you want?"

"Nothing. I just couldn't help but notice you were looking kinda annoyed. So, me being the good person I am, came over to try and brighten your day."

His chestnut brown eyes narrow, and I also narrow mine. There's a long moment before he says, "No. I'm just fine. Just tired."

"You sure?"


"Okay. Oh, and I don't think you know this, but your fly's down," I state, pointing to his pants, and turning to walk away. He jumps, looking down at his pants, "It is!?" I bite my lip, trying not to laugh as I walk down the hall past more people.

He looked, LOL!!!

He falls for that every day!!!

As I continue to glance around the hall, I finally recognize a face that isn't staring at me weirdly. I walk up to him and stand by his side, "What up, dumbass."

Christian, one of my closest friends, looks over at me and shakes his head, "That's what's up." He points to his side, and I look over.

Instantly I begin gagging, "EWW!!! THEY'RE KISSING!!!"

They both lean against the lockers, lips sewn together as they continue rubbing up against each other. His hand grabs a fistful of her hair and he pulls it as her hands rub his low cut fro.


"NO PDA IN THE HALLS!!!" I shout as Christian throws pencils at the back of Josh's head, "SAVE THAT FOR DATE NIGHT!!!!"

Unless you're into that kind of stuff...

They pull apart, both breathless. Stormy blushes, giggling, fixing her red blouse, "Sorry, Trey."

She used to be so innocent...

Until she met Joshua who striped that from her...

Crazy, hormonal, jerk...

Joshua, another one of my closest friends, rubs the back of his head, red lipstick smudge on his face, "WHAT THE HELL, CHRISTIAN!!"

"No PDA in the halls, you animals!" Christian frowns, throwing another pencil at him.

I've known Stormy Lopez, Joshua Parker, and Christian Thompson since middle school. We've been close for a long time, and even if they piss me off sometimes, I wouldn't know what I'd do without them.

Stormy's an Instagram influencer, so everyone knows her. She's got fans and haters all over this school building, and she's well aware of it. She's the sweetest girl you'll meet, and naturally a social butterfly.

Christian's the football player of the group, though no one respects him on the team because he hangs out with the school's biggest "asshole". He's real chill.

And Joshua is...Joshua...

Josh covers his face as the pencil hits his arm, "STOP THROWING PENCILS AT ME, ASSHOLE!! WHERE ARE YOU EVEN GETTING THESE FROM?!"

"Uh, pretty sure it's called a pencil pouch?" I reply, raising a brow, "If you don't know that, you should probably go back to Kindergarten..." He glares at me, and I stare back, shrugging, "You ran into that, Josh."

He holds up his middle finger, and I chuckle.

"Here, Joshy," Stormy says, handing him a makeup wipe. He takes it and wipes most of the lipstick away.

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