Chp. 3: The Girl In The Yellow Sweater

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Let's rewind a little...

What was Travis thinking when he met Tiffany???

*time warp noises*



"Yes, I'm at school," I reply, holding my phone up to my ear. I park the car in an empty parking space near the school building, "I just got here."

I push open the car door and step out as my mom continues to scold me with a thick New York accent, "Travis, I swear to god if you miss another day of school, I'm going to beat your ass."

"Yes, ma'am," I sigh, closing the car door, "I won't miss any more days..."

No promises...

"Good. Mamma ti voglio bene." She says, sweetly, in a light Italian accent now.

(Mamma ti voglio bene - Mamma Loves You)

Somehow, when she's pissed, she becomes a New Yorker...

It blows my mind every time...

Andrea Reel, aka my mom. She's a big-time Attorney, and always working on cases. I love her with everything in my heart, but she's always picking on me.

"Ti voglio bene," I smile, "Hey! Also, are you working late again today???"

"Sì. So, you'll have the house to yourself if Richard doesn't come over."

I frown, my mood ruined.


Richard Hampton.

I don't particularly like him. He's my mom's boyfriend, and I can't stand him. He's a police officer, so he's always talking about peace and justice.

Like, okay, we get it. Peace and justice are great. Tell that to someone who cares.

"Alright. Bye." I groan, and Mom laughs at the other end of the phone.

"Bye, neonato."

(Neonato - Baby)

Hanging up, I sigh, slipping my phone into my back pocket. Looking around, I notice people walking toward the school building, laughing with their friends and whatnot. Some people stand near their cars taking turns hitting vapes and shit.

I frown, really considering just getting back in my car, and risking a brutal ass-whooping when I get home.

I don't like being at school, and if I were being completely honest, who does?

School is like being in prison except you only have to be at school for 8 hours at a time.

Nonetheless, it still sucks.

I pull at my black t-shirt, trying to cover the ink lines to the big eagle tat I have across my chest.

As soon as people see those lines, they start asking to see it.

That gets annoying...

I stroll through the parking lot, people shooting me glances and stares. I walk past a group of girls, and they instantly begin giggling. I roll my eyes at that and walk up the steps into the school building.

As soon as I enter, people start turning heads in my direction. Including teachers. I look around as I walk down the hall and grin.

People talk so much shit about me in this school, it's funny. Even the teachers talk shit.

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