"No! No... just... Jesus Alois, shut up... you're going to get his attention... he already doesn't want you here... and where is your butler anyway?"

"Claude is at home, probably stewing." Alois picked at his sleeves, eyeing Ciel as they sat there. "After you left the ball at the Viscount's manor... You were so delicious in that little outfit... he could barely keep his mind on his work." Ciel looked down, plucking another petal, pressing it lightly against his lips, feeling the soft texture against his pursed lips.

"Your butler is a vile beast." He dropped the petal, watching it float slowly to the ground, then laid his head back on the bench and set the rose between them. "But I do want to talk to you about... the contracts." Before Alois could respond, they both heard the clack of the tea cart coming closer. Alois looked towards the sound, running fingers through his hair, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his dress shirt. Ciel watched him, eyebrow raised. Trancy winked, spreading his thighs, planting his hands between them on the bench, looking up at Sebastian as he came around the corner. Sebastian looked the two young Lords over as he approached, his eyes lingering on Alois for only a moment as he sat there, bottom lip caught between his teeth. Ciel looked up at Sebastian then, their eyes meeting and Sebastian smiled bowing his head.

"Young Master. Your Highness." He sneered as he addressed Trancy, then looked back to Ciel, his eyes softening, a gentle smile curling his lips. "Earl Grey and raspberry shortcakes."

"Mmmm... raspberry is my favorite..." Alois reached out and dipped his finger into the whipped cream and slipped it into his mouth, eyeing Sebastian intently. His attention caught, Sebastian watched him, eyebrow raised, as the blonde sucked at his own finger and he shook his head, looking away.

"Very good, your Highness." There was always that disgusted tone when he addressed Trancy, and it made Ciel smile as he watched their interaction. He remembered how Sebastian had reacted to seeing him do the same and smiled, looking up at the man, who met his gaze. When Ciel licked his own lips slowly, Sebastian narrowed his eyes, tried not to smile, and shook his head almost imperceptibly. "Will that be all, my Lord?" Ciel opened his mouth to dismiss Sebastian, but Alois stood, taking a few steps towards Sebastian, swinging his hips as with each step.

"Thank you... Sebastian..." He said softly, slipping his fingers up Sebastian's tie, tugging at it softly. "... for bringing me something so sweet..." Alois licked his lips seductively, his free hand resting on Sebastian's shoulder. He rolled his eyes, looking away as Trancy touched him, a little sneer on his lips.

"As I was ordered by my Master." Sebastian took a step back, pulling his tie from Alois' grasp. "If that will be all..." he looked back to Ciel, who watched all this with amusement, covering his smile demurely with his fingers.

"Yes, Sebastian. That's all. Leave us."

"Very good, Master." He bowed to Ciel, sparing only a quick glance at Alois before making his exit. As soon as Sebastian was out of sight, Alois dropped himself back to the bench, laying his head back.

"Jesus Phantomhive... that butler. Mmm... shame he only has eyes for you." Ciel smiled shyly and looked away, sipping his tea. "So... go on... spill it. Why am I here?"

"I... wanted to talk to you about the contracts." Alois picked at his shortcake, eyeing Ciel as he did so.


"And... the details."

"Mmhm. And what details might those be?"

"The... physical details." Alois perked, raising an eyebrow and turned to look at the bluenette, his curiosity peaked.

"You mean the part where he gets your body." Ciel shifted a little in his seat, crossing his legs at the knee, slowly sipping his tea as he did his best to push vivid flashes of memory from his mind.


"That's the best part." Alois giggled and set his plate down on the table, looking over at Ciel, lip caught between his teeth. "The part where he can take what he wants, whenever he wants..." Ciel set down his cup, looking around them to ensure they were alone.

"We haven't... yet. And..."

"No? Ugh, I wouldn't have been able to resist..."

"We've... discussed it. Sort of... and... I..."

"What've you let him do to you?" Trancy licked his lips, his voice soft and lusty, he turned to face Ciel, crossing his legs before him on the bench, resting his chin on his palm, free hand caressing Ciel's knee softly. Ciel looked away, withdrawing a little, but Alois gripped his knee, winking one sky blue eye at him. "Tell me what you did with him."

"I-I... well we..." Ciel sighed loudly "That's not the point..."

"Oh, but it is the point, Phantomhive. Come on, tell me! You brought me all the way out here to tell me, so tell me."

"I brought you out here to ask for advice..."

"Which I can't give unless I know all the details... so spill it!" The bluenette sighed, looking down at his knees, weighing his options. If he expected any answers he had to give Alois something, and chose his words carefully as he spoke.

"We've... explored a little..." The blonde rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, expecting more than insinuations.

"Has he fucked you?"

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now