"No. I have not." Ciel uncrossed his arms and allowed Sebastian to strip him from his dress shirt and shorts, draping the night shirt around his pale shoulders and he slipped his arms into it. He didn't meet Sebastian's intense gaze; he wasn't sure he could stand seeing the fire in his eyes and knowing it was starvation.

"You're starving yourself, then?" Sebastian nodded once, buttoning the shirt once Ciel had his arms through the long sleeves.


"For... me?" he blinked several times, finally looking up at his butler, who gazed down at him hungrily, lips parted, eyes glowing bright flames of red.

"Is that your third question?"

"No." Sebastian smiled and finished buttoning the shirt, lifting Ciel by waist and sitting him lightly on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, for you, Bocchan." Ciel was silent, and crawled toward the middle of the bed, grabbing his bitter rabbit, earlier tossed aside. He sat with his slender legs crossed beneath him, the stuffed toy in his lap, arms wrapped around it. Sebastian smiled at the sight and brought both of their glasses, setting them on the nightstand. When Ciel hadn't spoken for several minutes, Sebastian gave in. "I prefer the occasional delicacy to consistently bland meals."

"You..." he stopped, motioning for his glass and Sebastian offered it to him. "You don't have to... if you're starving." Ciel took a drink and snuggled his rabbit closer to his chest. "You could... find someone..." Sebastian smiled widely, the smile showing in his eyes, which was something Ciel had only seen a few times before. A genuine smile. He met his eyes briefly, almost smiling himself, but the topic was a little too dark for Ciel to take full pleasure in the sight.

"Thank you, Master." He bowed deeply, hand over his heart, eyes slipped closed. "But I believe I'd rather wait." Ciel raised an eyebrow but didn't respond, he only rested his chin on the rabbit's head and bit his lip, pondering the implications. He stayed silent for a long time, fiddling with the toy; he couldn't stop thinking about the starving demon before him. Sebastian sat beside him, leaning down to meet his eyes. "Is something the matter?"

"No... no." He shook his head, sighing softly. "I just... it's weird." Sebastian raised an eyebrow and Ciel continued softly. "Starving yourself like that. I mean... even bad food is better than no food." He finished his drink and offered it back to Sebastian, who took it and placed it lightly on the nightstand once more. After taking a healthy drink from his own glass, he turned back to Ciel, sitting cross-legged before him, hands placed lightly on the bluenette's bare knees.

"Bocchan... are you worried about me?" Amethyst and sapphire eyes glanced up at him, shining in the darkness. "You are." Sebastian smiled, and Ciel looked away once more, shaking his head.

"No... no it's not like that..." Sebastian gave him a skeptical look and he shook his head "I mean, your wager... your taste of me? And you're starving yourself... it's just..." Sebastian shook his head and pressed his palm against Ciel's cheek, running a thumb over his cheekbone softly. The little Lord leaned into the touch for only a moment before pulling away, shifting nervously before his butler.

"Little kitten. I am not going to die of starvation if that's what you think." He laughed softly to himself and leaned forward to leave a gentle kiss on Ciel's forehead before he moved, lying down on his side, head resting in his hand, propped up by his elbow. His free hand motioned Ciel closer, and he obliged, crawling closer to his butler. He sat with his legs crossed beneath him, rabbit still in his lap, and looked down at Sebastian as he lay there.

"Well, no... but... I guess I don't see why."

"And you won't, regardless of whether or not you try." Placing a hand softly on Ciel's thigh, Sebastian sat up a bit, moving to maintain eye contact as his little Lord looked away. "My hunger does not equate to what you know as 'hunger'. My hunger will never be satiated. There is nothing in this world than can truly satisfy me. Such is my punishment, that I will remain forever ravenous." Ciel nodded and picked at the rabbit's ear once more.

"What was your sin?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow, his fingernails tracing lightly against soft, creamy pale skin.

"Is that your third question?" Ciel chuckled, nodding. "Very good." Sebastian shifted, pulling the rabbit from Ciel's hands, tossing it away on the bed. He crawled closer, turning onto his back, letting his head come to rest in his little Lord's lap, resting comfortably on his crossed legs. Ciel gazed down at him, a little tense at first, but relaxed when Sebastian reached up a hand to stroke his cheek softly.

"Well?" Growing impatient Ciel frowned, but he ran his fingers through Sebastian's thick black hair, brushing strands of it away from his eyes. Sebastian smiled fiendishly and licked his fangs slowly before continuing.

"Lust... and gluttony..." he thought for a moment "... and greed..." Ciel opened his mouth to speak but was cut off. "... and pride." Not really knowing how to respond at first, the young Lord only looked own at him, eyebrows raised, a little impressed look of shock on his face.

"Four of seven. Must be a record..." Sebastian laughed heartily and closed his eyes, after a moment tears welled from the laughter, and he finally managed to speak, hand pressed to his lips in an attempt to quiet his laughter.

"That's what Peter said." He laughed for quite some time, Ciel looking down at him with an amused smile as he watched his butler hold onto his sides, his cheeks reddened, a few tears streaming down his cheeks. It took a good while before he calmed, a few quiet chuckles threatened to dissolve into a full riot once more, but he stopped himself. "My shame is legendary." He pressed his hands to his chest, stopping himself from hysterics once more before wiping the tears away with his sleeve.

"So... what exactly did you do?" Sebastian grinned up at him, shaking his head.

"You only had three questions." 

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now