We've made it!

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Note: This chapter will make short work of the original Haikyuu plot (and there will be spoilers, read at your own risk). Afterwards, we will start to follow the plot of the final seasons Kuroko no Basket.

Warning again, there are spoilers. 

And the basketball and ships are coming reallllll soon, don't worry :3


"Something wrong?" Kita asked.

"There's always something up with Atsumu, it's Atsumu for god's sake." Osamu rolled his eyes.

"Shut yer trap! It's just...." Atsumu's voice trailed off again, thinking about the training camp again.

He thought that Sakusa or Hoshiumi would be the most interesting people he'd meet, but that Kageyama kid really set things off too!


"Holy- this stadium is packed with people!" Hinata, Tanaka, and Noya all gawked at the sheer size of it.

"Kageyama!" Komori called, and Sakusa followed behind him.

"Komori! Sakusa! Hello! Oh, Sakusa, your jacket is slipping...here..." Kageyama straightened out the black haired boy's jacket for him, while Komori snickered at the rest of his own team's reactions.

"Just what happened at training camp?" Daichi asked, but everyone else except for Suga and Tsukishima, who had been ranted to about it, shrugged.

Well, the nationals began, and Karasuno felt a soar of pride as they marched around when their school was proud.

Their first opponents were tricky, but nothing less of what was expected at the nationals, but a few swift sets and it was all over. But now, they would face a huge storm, a challenge.

Inarizaki high.

Not only were they frightening in terms of skill, but their tactics and strategy were quite amazing. Well, Kageyama guessed that Atsumu did have some valid reason to brag, no?

But meanwhile... on the stands up above...

"Kise...Kuroko....Aomine...., you guys aren't actually going to do it, right?" Kagami deadpanned.

"Akashi gave us full rights, ask him, he's on the phone right now." Kise smirked, and Kuroko held up his phone to show the caller.

Well, anyways, Kise and Aomine jumped on the handles of the stands (thank god most people weren't looking) and Kuroko held up a megaphone.

Right when Inarizaki was going to make some really good play, the three shouted, "Go Karasuno!"

Then they ran off immediately, hoping they weren't seen.

But it was so loud that it echoed through the courts, and Atsumu froze for a bit, surprised, letting the ball drop.

"You idiot!" Osamu said immediately.

"Karasuno got a free point, huh." Suna sighed

Though everyone in Karasuno were wondering who these mystery people could be, Kageyama smiled, recognizing their voices.

They blazed through the match, a memorable moment being Kageyama's rather arrogant smirk, which would've made Sei proud, but to Atsumu, the audacity!

They went through the nationals, going through various teams, including Nekoma high, before falling at Kamomedai high. 

The team headed back to their hotel with smiles and tears alike. 

"We should go out together, as a team, after this, to celebrate." Daichi said. 

"Uhh...well...actually...." Kageyama sheepishly mumbled, turning to Suga and Tsukishima for help. 

"Let's have a break first before anything. Go out and have fun, just come back by curfew." Suga smiled. 

"Yes sir!" 

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