A Little Help

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"It's surprising you brought me along." Kuroko commented. 

Seijuro and his brother, plus their best friend, came to Hyogo during the break before high school starts for a little vacation with Izumi as their supervisor. 

"Wait look! Milkshakes!" Kageyama pointed to a cafe. "Can we get some?"

Seijuro sighed. "Okay, I'll come with you. I'll meet with you two at the train station." 

"Alright!" Izumi nodded. 

"You're really obsessed with milkshakes, aren't you?" Seijuro laughed. 

"Ever since Kuroko introduced me to them...like, three years ago...." Kageyama sheepishly said. 

When they got their drinks, they headed back. 

"Wait, which platform again?" Kageyama asked his brother while sipping his drink. 

"Platform 8, but I'm not sure where-" Seijuro began, but was cut off. 

"It's on the right. Go down the stairs and look to your left. You should see a sign that says Platform 8." A boy with grey hair, slightly tinted black, said. 

"Oh, thank you." They slightly bowed, before going off. 


"Yeah, so as I was saying-" Kageyama eyes widened. "Wait, isn't that the boy that helped us earlier?" 

Seijuro nodded, and knowing what his brother wanted to do, he walked over and tapped on his shoulder. 

"Hello, I think we've met before."

"Huh? I see, hello. My name is Shinsuke Kita. I'm assuming you're Akashi Seijuro?" He recognized the boy more clearly now from all the magazines around. 

"Hi...I'm Kageyama Tobio, thanks for earlier." Kageyama peered from behind his brother. 

"It's not too big of a deal. Don't worry about it." 

They exchanged a few words before saying goodbye, but Kita heard something from them. 

"Woah, doesn't his uniform look like the one Suna has?" Kageyama asked his best friend. 

"Now that I think of it, yeah." Kuroko looked up. 

'They know Suna? Hmm, I won't think too much of it. Maybe someone else.'


"Suna, do you know anyone by the name of Kageyama perhaps?" 

Suna perked right up before calming himself down. "Why are you asking that?"

"OoOOOoooooH! Look at your reaction!" Atsumu teased. 

"Put down whatever you're thinking because that's not the case, idiot." Suna sighed. 

"Really? I've never seen more of a reaction of a name from you~" Atsumu instantly regretted saying that, because Suna whipped out his phone and played an embarrassing moment of his. 

'Nevermind, that kid is too kind, I shouldn't have asked.'

Akashi and Kageyama || Brothers [Short Stories]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum