Regina turned her head and her eyes stretched when she saw her father standing in the elevator.

"Daddy!" she gasp as she pulled away from Christian and wiping her lips.

"I guess I don't have to ask if you two are back together now." Darrell said as he eyeballed Christian as he walked out of the elevator.

"Daddy what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you since you won't return any of my calls."

"Daddy I was just going out."

"You can spare me a few minutes."

"We're having lunch with my mother would you like to join us Captain Washington?" Christian asked as Darrell continued to glare at him.

"Yeah daddy come have lunch with us, Mrs. Grey has been asking about you." Regina said pulling him back into the elevator.

"So you'll have lunch with me but you won't return my calls."

"Daddy can we talk about this later." She said holding his hand while offering up the cutest pout she could muster.

"Fine," Darrell said with a sighed as he pinched the tip of Gina's nose as she smiled up at him.

"That was close." Regina said as she climbed into Christian's truck with a sigh.

"I thought he was going to hit me again."

"Have I apologized for that today?"

"I keep telling you it's fine I deserved it. At least we don't have to tell him about us, but I think I should wait a little longer before I ask for his blessing." He said merging into traffic after making sure Darrell was following behind them.

"Blessing for what?"

"Think about it baby doll." He said with a smirk as Regina thought about his statement and gasped when she finally caught on.

"I'm not marrying you Christian."

"Yes you are, and after we get married I'm knocking you up." He beamed and Regina punched him in the shoulder.

"I told you I'm not having kids, Sabrina Simone Vega is the only baby we need."

"We'll see about that." He said before turning his music up.

When they arrived at the restaurant Cookie was the first to greet them and wrap Regina up in a bear hug.

"I'm so happy you gave my rotten brother another chance, I swear I'll make sure he won't mess it up."

"Cookie let her go before you knock her out." Christian said pulling her off of Regina.

"Sorry I'm just so happy, our table is back here." She said taking Regina by the hand and led her towards the table where the whole family was seated.

"Regina I'm glad you could make it." Mrs. Grey said getting out of her seat to hug Regina when she spotted Darrell her face lit up. Regina always thought that she had a little crush on her father, and she couldn't blame her Darrell was definitely attractive.

"Darrell it's so good to see you."

"How have you been Diana?" Darrell asked as he kissed her cheek

"I'm just fine, isn't it great that our children are back together, we're just one big happy family again." Susan said as she escorted Darrell to an empty seat.

"Come on love birds have a seat." Cookie said patting the empty seat next to her.

"Where's your hubby Cookie." Regina asked.

"Work he's been working over time since I made him extend our honeymoon." She said with a pout.

"So Gina when's the wedding?" Diana asked with her eyes filled with hope.

"Mom relax we just go back together, we're still adjusting."

"What is there to adjust? You two were together for almost two years."

"I know mom but we decided to start over, we're taking things slow, right babe?"

"Yes." Gina said with a nod.

"That's crazy." Diana mumbled as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I think that's a great idea, I'm sure you two have changed over the years and you need to take the time to learn each other again." Cookie said

"Yeah I bet." Maxwell mumbled and was rewarded with kick in the shin from Christian.

"What do you think Darrell?" Diana asked and all eyes were glued onto Darrell as he searched for the right words to say.

"To be honest I'm not as thrilled as everyone else that they are back together. But, they are adults and I'm sure that they will do what's right this time around." He said glaring at Christian.

Regina squeezed her father's hand as she rested her head on his shoulder as the waiter came to collect their orders.

After lunch Regina walked out of the restaurant with her arm wrapped around her father's waist.

"I forgive you." she said causing Darrell to stop in his tracks.

"Excuse me?"

"I said I forgive you for punching my boyfriend in the face, I know you're not sorry for what you did but I forgive you anyway."

"You're too kind." He said dryly as he hand the valet his ticket. "I still haven't forgiven you for not returning my calls."

"Will you forgive me if I make you a German chocolate cake?" She said batting her eyelashes at it.

"You little brat,"

"I love you too daddy, I'll bring you your cake on Friday but you have to make me some potato salad." She said and Darrell just answered with a grunt as his car pulled up.

"I'll see you on Friday." He said before getting into his car, Regina just smiled as she watched her father drove away.

"You are so spoiled." Christian said as he kissed her cheek.

"I am not."

"Yes you are, I can only imagine how spoiled our daughter will be."

"You do mean Sabrina right, because I am not having any children."

"Mmmhm," Christian said as he strolled away.

"Hey, come back here I'm serious Christian." She yelled after him.

Regina knew that it would have to take Jesus coming down to tell her to get pregnant before she would ever give birth. She never imagined herself with kids and even though she loved her god-daughter she liked the fact that she got to go home after a few hours. Regina hoped that her lack of desire for children would not kill her relationship with Christian before they could even get started..

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