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I sit on the grass thinking about my life. After the meeting everyone left.

I'm alone.

How did I get here? I mean I know how I got here but... How did my life get here. I wanted to graduate and go to university, then graduate again and let life have its nasty way with me. I thought I would probably get a job that has no relation to my degree, then work my way up or towards the 'dream job'. But instead, I'm here.

This is depressing. Not having a say in which direction my life takes is depressing. I never even questioned how I could see ghosts and stuff, not once did I question it. I just thought I was special in a normal, creepy way. Not like this.

"Sucks doesn't it?" a voice says, making me jump and turn to face who ever owns it.


"Being hunted" he adds.

"What do you want?" my voice is bitter. Bloody ghost tricked me. Bloody not a ghost cute guy tricked me.

He wouldn't try anything here right? I mean we are literally in Lucifers backyard.

"Just wanted to talk"

"I'm not in the mood. Go away" this fake ass thinks I'll fall for his tricks again? He is just as bad as his sister.

"Are you really going to fall in love with your rapist?" he questions and I won't lie, his question struck a nerve. I turn away from him and let silence welcome me.

My RAPIST. Rapist?

Even in my head it sounds strange. Dev is my rapist. I really can't be falling for him right? He hurt me. As much as he is my mate and this isn't the normal human life, I can't ignore what he did. I can't act like it didn't happen.

I've been letting my rapist and kidnapper to be my ankor. I mean I didn't choose to be in hell. I can't even finish school because of him and now my life is in danger because he laid claim to me, soulmate or not, he is still in the wrong.

"Are you silent because you don't care that he raped you and you love him already? Or are you silent because it bothers you?" Victor says.

"Why are you still here?" my tolerance for him is coming to a bitter end. I'd rather be left with my thoughts.

"Thought you'd need the comp-"

"I don't want your company so go away!" I'm getting really agitated. That's probably why he is here, to piss me off, to get under my skin.

Breathe Gee, Breathe.

"I know you need company, so don't be so rude" Victor says with a cheery tone that makes me snap.

"Okaaaayy then... Bye" I get up and start walking towards the house ignoring Victor until he grabs my arm.

"Wait, can't we just talk?" he asks so innocently, but I know this side of him, I've seen it before and I ended up being tortured and basically losing my screws so nope! He can miss me with that fake act. He looks so hopeful and ready for acceptance, how pathetic.

"Don't ever touch me again unless you want me to burn it off and feed it to Satan's pets" I say in a sweet voice as I remove his hand before turning around and walking to the house again.

As soon as I walk into the house Dev is at my side trying to hug me but I push him away and walk past him. I walk into the kitchen and start preparing a sandwich for myself.

"What's the matter?" Dev sounds irritated and that's what grates on my nerves. He thinks he has a right to be irritated right now!!! Bloody RAPIST!!!!!!

Diary of a Mad Poetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें