Chapter Eight

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Rosalia Pierce's Point Of View

Awkward. That was the word to describe it. After Stefan had nearly attacked Elena, things had been weird. Elena was quiet and wouldn't talk much.

"Damon and I sat on the sofa and started drinking bourbon. It was our tradition.

"I need somewhere to stay." I sighed. Damon took a swig.

"Why don't you stay here?" He suggested. I inwardly rolled my eyes.


"Because I like you." He said with a smirk. I stood up and walked away. Just before I left the room I spoke softly.

"Me... or Katherine?" I quietly questioned then stepped outside. I stood out in the rain. Elena then came rushing out.

"Whoa! What's wrong?" I demanded.

"it's Vicki! A girl from school. She was Matt's sister. They found her body." She answered.

"But why are you so rushy? You already knew." I said, confused.

"yeah but I need to be there for Jeremy and Matt." Then she left. That girl was truly something. Truly selfless.

I sighed and went back inside. Damon was just coming inside too after being at the Grill. I didn't say anything to him and walked into the living room. I stoppped, so did Damon. Stefan was sitting there in the dark corner. He turned and we saw blood smeared on his mouth. I looked at him sympathetically. He was going to have a hard time getting back to his animal diet.

the next morning, I had my shower and got dressed into white skinny jeans, black ballet flats, baby blue tank top and my black waist length leather jacket. I grabbed my black thin scarf and put it around my neck.

When I skipped downstairs, whistling, I saw Stefan doing chin-ups and push-ups. I ignored him, trying to let him know I didn't hate him if he was having troubles. I went and grabbed a blood bag and poured it's contents into a glass cup. I went to the living room where Stefanwas exercising and hissed to myself. I put my vup on the table and bolted up the stairs. I came back down sliding my phone in my pocket. Stefan had leftfor school when I re-enetered the living room. I went to grab my cup then stopped whistling. It was empty. Stefan, I realized.

It's short again! Sorry! Comment or Vote please!!

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