Chapter One

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I forgot to mention this in the prologue! I do not own this! It is all L.J. Smith and Vampire Diaries movie people. But Katherine's daughter is mine!

Stefan Salvatore's Point Of View

Damon was trying to get into that tomb under Fells Church. Elena and I had lied to him and sai we would help. I didn't know what he would do once he found out though, the thought alone brought terrifying images.

Elena and I were digging up my father's body, to get the grimore. Crunching of close leaves were heard. Both mine and Elena's head snapped up to see Damon. I saw his jaw clench.

"Well, what do you know?" He called through the dark. "This is an interesting turn of events." He said angrily. I jumped up from the grave and stood in front of Elena.

"I can't let you bring her back." I told him. "I'm sorry."

"So am I." He said. I tilted my head slightly in confusion. "For thinking for even a second I could trust you." I scoffed.

"You are not capable of trust. The fact you're here means you read the journal." I said. "You were planning on doing this yourself."

"Of course i was going to do it myself. Because the only one i can count on is me." He replied, anger colouring his tone. "You made sure of that many years ago, Stefan," He looked at Elena,"But you-you had me fooled." Elena looked a little guilty. She looked at the ground as it grew silent. Damon kept swallowing.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" He asked. i wasn't sure if he was talking to me or Elena. "Because if you try and destroy that, I'll rip her heart out.

"You won't kill her." I said, not believing he would. Damon raised his eyebrows, not in a cocky way or anything though. i was shaking my head. Before i knew it, Damon wasn't in front of me. i turned around just as he grabbed Elena and had an arm around her neck. She gasped.

"i can do one better." Damon said and pulled away one arm. He bit his wrist and shoved it in Elena's mouth. She swirmed and grunted, trying to move it away. Damon was looking angrily at me.

"Give me the book, Stefan." He said. Elena was struggling in his arms. I forced myself to stay put. "Or I'm snapping her neck... and yuou and I will have a vampire girlfriend."

"Let her go first." I said, panic coating my voice. He takes his arm away and Elena gasps, with blood smearing her mouth.

"The book." Damon commanded.

"I'm not gonna give this to you until she is standing next to me." I said.

"The problem is, I no longer trust that you'll give it back."

"You just did the one thing that ensures that I will." I told him through clenched teeth. He looked at the grimore and nodded his head. "Okay." I said, stepping forward slowly. I slowly placed the book on the dirt. He let go of Elena and i put my arms out. Elena, first slowly, made her way then rushed over into my arms. I hugged her tightly. Without another word, I rushed away with Elena.

We were back in Elena's house. She was searching through the drawers in the bathroom while I leaned against the doorway.

"Aspirin must be downstairs. Is my head supposed to hurt?" She groaned, running a hand through her hair.

"No, you'll be fine. It was just a small amount of blood." I told her as she washed her face clean. "It should pass out of your system byb tomorrow." I explained softly, crossing my arms. Elena sighed as she walked out the bathroom. I grabbed her hands and looked down.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I looked at her.

"Damon was right. This is, uh... This is my fault." I said, leaning my head against the wall s my eyes glistened sadly. I started remebering when Katherine was getting taken away.

"When Katherine was getting taken away... I put my faith in my father. But Damon put his faith in me." I explained. "And I destroyed that." I shook my head sadly. Elena put her hand on my cheek. "This is my fault." I repeated, looking away from her.

"We didn't do anything wrong. Don't forget that." She whispered to me. I nodded.

"Okay." I said. "I'm gonna get you that aspirin. Okay?"

"Mm." She answered. I kissed the top of her head and walked out her bedroom, downstairs. When i got to the kitchen, Jenna was sitting at the table on her laptop. I smiled at her.

"You know you're not staying the night, right?" She said sternly with a faint smile.

"Oh, uh, we're just gonna hang out for a little while." I answered.

"You're lucky I like you." She said. "Keep the door open."

"You got it." I said. "Hey, do you have any aspirin?" I asked her.

"Yeah. She dropped the pencil on the table and walked into the kitchen. Just then, Jeremy walked in the kitchen.

"Oh, hey, Stefan." He greeted. I nodded to him. He looked around into the lounge room. "Where'd she go?" He asked Jenna, still looking around. Jenna looked back at him as she searched through a cupboard.

'She went to the bathroom." She answered. Jeremy nodded. My curiosity got the best of me.

"Where did who go?"

"He has a friend over." Jenna answered, looking through the cupboard again.

"Anna." Jeremy added. My eyes widened. I raced back to the stairs and straight up to Elena. She wasn't in her room and the window was open.

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