Chapter Fifteen

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Rosalia Pierce's Point Of View

I stayed at Elena’s for the night. We were downstairs in the living room, watching movies in our pyjamas. There was a knock at the door and Elena and I exchanged glanced. Who would be here at ten o’clock? We both went to the door cautiously. Elena twisted the door handle and it opened, revealing Damon. I sighed and tried to shut the door, but Damon shoved his foot in.

“Please, Rose. Can we just talk?” He pleaded. I would never imagine the day Damon Salvatore pleads. Elena gave me a pointed look and walked back into the lounge room. I stepped outside and shut the door.

“What did you want to talk about, Damon?” I asked, tiredly.

“I want to be with you, no matter how many times you say I want Katherine. Please, Rose, one chance?” he asked again. I remembered what Elena had suggested today. I gave a nod.

“Okay,” I answered finally, “You can take me out tomorrow.” I told him with a small smile and went back inside and shut the door. When I came back, Elena was fidgeting around. I stood in front of her with a smile.

“Come on, pipsqueak, let’s go see your lover.” I laughed. A grin stretched across her face and she bounced up and sprinted up the stairs. I stood by the door, remembering Damon would probably be there too. Duh, how could I be so stupid? Well, I can’t back out now. Elena came dashing downstairs with a small overnight bag.

We left in my car, deciding I would drive her home tomorrow. We sped to the boarding house as Elena fidgeted again, but this time in eagerness. I was a little the same, but in nervousness of seeing Damon. Wouldn’t things be awkward?

I opened the front door and Elena rushed in. I chuckled and shut the door behind me. I flitted to the basement to see how Stefan was doing.

“Drink it, Stefan.” Elena was pleading. I peered at what she was holding. A bottle filled with blood. I sniffed. Animal blood. I put my hand gently on Elena’s shoulder to pass her and went inside the cell. Stefan was lying down still. Dirty and sweaty. His eyes opening and closing in exhaustion.

“Stefan. Can you keep your eyes open, please? It’s Rose.” I added. He swallowed and struggled keeping his eyes opened. I helped by holding it with my fingers at below his eyes and the other at his eyebrow. I peered in then took my hand away and put my fingers on his neck, checking his pulse. I sighed and sood up. I walked over to Elena and Damon was standing by her side.

“Is he going to be okay?” Elena asked anxiously.

“I’m not exactly sure. He should be if he drinks.” I paused. “Because he drinksanimal blood, and it isn’t very strong, he is weaker so vervain effects him much worse than it does Damon.”

“What about you?” she asked confused.

“I’m so old it doesn’t affect me.” I answered. “Anyway, after this, he should be drinking human blood. The older he gets, the worse it will get. He needs a healthy diet. He’s like an anorexic, so to speak. Not getting a healthy amount is deadly. And everything about a vampire is magnified.” I said quietly. Elena looked absolutely horrified.

“What are we going to do?” she asked. I bit my bottom lip.

“You’re probably not going to like what I’m thinking. I grimaced.

“Tell me. There’s probably nothing else to do but what your thinking.”

“I think we need to give him a little more vervain to knock him out. Then inject him with animal blood mixed with a bit of human blood. Keep going from there, adding more human blood each time and see how he goes.” I suggested. Elena nodded.

“Anything that might work is fine.” I nodded and left. The hospital was easy to steal from. I just took some syringes and other medical stuff I might need. I was back at the boarding house in an hour. I went down to the basement and just Damon was down there. I gave him a questioning look.

“Elena fell asleep.” He said. I nodded and went into the cell. Stefan was dozing in and out of consciousness. I quickly injected him with a tiny bit of vervain. He hissed slightly then passed out. I stabbed the other syringe into a blood bag and filled it one fifth of the way and the rest with animal blood. I injected him into a vein easily then stood up, collecting everything. I walked by Damon.

“He’ll wake up in about twelve hours. He might scream a bit. Just make sure Elena’s not near.” He nodded and I kept walking.

“Wait!” I spun around. “Why have you been ignoring me>” he asked.

“I’m not.” Then I walked away again. I said goodnight to Elena and went upstairs to bed, exhausted.

The next morning, I had a shower and got dressed into light  skinny jeans, brown heeled boots, a white singlet, and a brown waist leather jacket. I slipped in a white simple headband and a necklace before skipping downstairs. I started making blood pancakes. Sounds really gross, I know, but it’s really delicious. I made two plates and then Elena came in. Damon had been sitting in a chair, watching me cook quietly.

“What’s this?” Elena asked and grabbed some pancake.

“Elena, don’t-“ I protested but she already put it in her mouth. I grimaced.

“Hm, okay…” She approved. ‘What is it?” Damon was smirking.

“Blood pancakes.” I suppressed a grin. Her eyes went wide and she rushed to the sink and spat it out.

“What the hell?!” She exclaimed.

“I tried to warn you.” I defended. She huffed.

“I’m going to see Stefan.” She grumbled the walked out. Damon and I chuckled as the flustered Elena disappeared.

“Hilarious.” Damon grinned.

“Oh, bloody hilarious.” I agreed. I burst into loud laughter. Oh, her face was priceless!

Enjoy, my readers!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2011 ⏰

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