Chapter Eleven

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Rosalia Pierce's Point Of View

After John said his petty little speech, Damon leaned over to Alaric Saltzman.

"Look at his right hand."

"Whose?" Alaric asked.

"The town's favorite son. Look at his ring." Damon repeated.

"Well, looks like mine." Alaric stated.

"Yeah, and that'd be a big coincidence if he didn't just come back from the dead five minutes ago." I giggled when he said that. He asked in a low voice, "Where the hell did you get that ring?"

"Isobel, my wife." Damon chuckled.

"Who gave birth to Elena under the medical care of the esteemed Dr. Grayson Gilbert, John's brother." Damon said in a whisper. Realization dawned on Alaric

"You think John knew Isobel?" He questioned.

"I think John knows a lot of things.". Damon draweled as John stepped away from the ringing bell. I smiled. But it faded when I found Stefan no where in sight. I grabbed Damon's arm and hurried out the front door.

"I'm not that easy, you know?" He smirked. I slapped him lightly and dragged him by the ear, following Stefan's scent.

"We're following Stef?" He asked. I nodded.

"He wiped Kelly Donovan's bleeding forehead with his fingers and licked them. Then he went outside where he simply could not resist and finished off the blood on his fingers." I explained in a rush. Later, we reached civilization and kept following Stefan's trail. He was shoving around with some drunkass bloke. Damon went to interven but I put my hand on his chest.

"No. Hecant know you know." I said firmly and flitted over to Stefan. He caught the man's fist as it flew at him face. I got to his side when the man's hand was crushed and Stefan was stalking to him as he stinker across the ground.

"Stefan! Stop this!" I hissed to him and restrained him with an arm on his chest. His eyes were changing veiny. "Stefan, think of Elena." I pleaded softly. he didn't move but he looked more calm so I left with Damon. I couldn't baby him, or he'd never learn. Damon went back to the party and I decided to go to Elena's, since she wasn't at the party anymore.

I went inside and upstairs. Someone was here. Not Elena though. I peeled in Jeremy's door and saw him reading something. I sat next to him on the bed.

"Whatcha read-" I froze. He was reading Elena's diary.

"You're a vampire." He stated in a low voice. I nodded.

"Yeah. Anna didn't tell you that part of her history?" I questioned. He looked shocked.

"Anna? How'd you know her?"

"1864. We were friends centuries before that though." I answered. not holding anything back.

"You're not related to Elena though." He stated. He said her name like it was a disease.

"She did what she had to. To protect you." I said. He shook his head.

"No. Telling me wouldve helped. I would know to protect myself." He shot back.

"You really think you know what you're talking about by reading a diary? You have so much to learn, Jeremy." I stood up and walked out. Anna had told me about finding out that Jeremy only wanted to change because of Vicki, but now she's dead. I wasn't going to tell Elena that Jeremy knew about vampires and her knowing of them, it certainly wasn't my place and I wouldve been nosy if I did so.

I went to the Salvatore boarding house and got changed then fell asleep, tired from all the lies.

The next morning, by the time I had woken, Stefan was gone for school. I had my shower and got dressed into a black long Maxi dress with a short denim material vest. My hair was in loose curls and I slipped on some black ballet flats. Once I flitted downstairs and got out a blood bag, Damon came in. He sat down at the kitchen bench and looked up at me.

"Blood. Please." He pleaded. I grinned cheerfully and poured him some blood.

"So. How much did John tell you?" I questioned.

"How much is there?" He asked. I stayed silent, swishing the blood around in my cup. He sighed, knowing he wasn't getting an answer.

"He was very cryptic, telling us useless facts about knowing Isobel, knowing things about 1864 and other shit." He said. I frowned.

"Thats all? Nothing more about the knowing Isobel part?" He raised an eyebrow but nodded.

I sighed.

"Isnt there anything we can do to entertain ourselves?" I questioned.

"Hm, maybe we could see who can kill the most people in one day?" He suggested. I scrunched up my nose.


"I've gotta go. Quick coucil meeting. Be back in twenty!" He called as he slammed the front door shut. I sighed and went and grabbed my laptop. I started hacking into peoples computers and such, due to my extreme boredom. In case no one figured it out, I'm a technology genius. I hacked into a computer at the Founders' Hall and searched all their facts. Just for fun, I changed their 'They can touch crosses' to 'They hate garlic', giggling the whole time. All of their facts were right except a few minor details, like we can't walk in the sun, the exception being our lapis luzuli rings. I then hacked into the hospital records and was a little shocked. Someone has stolen blood bags last night. I could only think of one person who wouldve done it then. Just then, Damon breezed through the door and plopped on the sofa next to me.

"Whoa? Geek, much?" I rolled my eyes.

"Stolen blood? Can you guess who that wouldve been?" I asked sarcastically. He chuckled.

"Stefan. The sheriff asked me and John to work together to stop this vampire." He said, slightly amused.

"You want to make a computer?" I asked him, out of sheer boredom. He looked bewildered.

"How?" He exclaimed, knowing nothing about technology. I rolled my eyes and jumped up, turning my laptop off and bolting up to my room to put it away. I came back downstairs and we got to work. it was quite fun actually, I helped Damon wield the small metal parts together and I created all the memory chips and stole some wires from the television. No one used that thing anyway. Pur invention was one fifth done when the doorbell sounded. Damon went to get it while I connected wires together carefully. I was concentrating so hard I didn't even notice who it was. Anna.

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