Chapter Seven

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Elena Gilbert's Point of View

After Damon had lied to Mr. Saltzman, we left to the house where Stefan was currently getting tortured in.  I was getting very fidgety in the backseat with Rose by my side. It still amazed me how she looked so much like me. A soft hand was placed on mine.

"Stop. Stefan will be fine." Rose's angelic voice assured me softly. I nodded shakily.

"I'm still scared." I confessed. She laughed lightly.

"it would worry me more if you weren't." She said. We reached the spot and parked in the wet mud. I furiously stayed put in the car as Rose squeezed my hand and got out into the pouring rain. She put a few tranquilizers in her jacket  along with a wooden stake and ran around the back of the house stealthily and out of few.

Rosalia Pierce's Point Of View

Alaric was going to go inside the house, acting as a stranger from the woods and kill as many vampires as he could while I went down the stone stairs to the basement where I believed Stefan was being held. Damon was going to try and grab Mrs. Gibbons and... kill her.

I zipped down into the cellar and caught sight of Stefan. He looked absolutely horrible. Wounds were all over his body which was hund from the ceiling with vervain soaked ropes. his feet barely dragged against the ground. Before the vampire guarding him even looked up, i shoved the stake straight through his heart and movement caught my eye. I looked back up the stone hall and sighed.

"Are you insane?" I asked. Elena just looked at me. I sighed again and rushed into the area Stefan was held. Elena hurried after me. Harper was there, tied to a chair right in front of him. He was bloodied and looked absolutely exhausted. I went to the ropes.

"Elena." Stefan groaned. "Vervain... Ropes." he stuttered out. I nodded.

"Elena! Can you untie them?" She hurried over and i went to Stefan's side and caught him when the ropes loosened. I cut them without touching and then Stefan got Elena to take the knives out of Harper's legs.

"I'm sorry, Harp." i whispered to him and kissed him on the cheek, then left with Elena and Stefan still coming. Damon met up with us and his eyes narrowed when he caught sight of Elena. I just shook my head at him. Elena then took Stefan back outside, to the car and me and Damon went to distract. We killed all the bad ones with Alaric's help and. Alaric helped Damon destroy the two that were insistant on killing him while I scouted the house for living vampires. Fredrick got away. I hurried outside in cse some got to Elena and Stefan. Just as Fredrick was about to kill Stefan, I staked him. He groaned and fell to the ground. I looked a Elen and squeezed her shoulder.

"Help him." I told her and zipped away. I helped Damon and Alaric before zipping back to Elena and Stefan. Stefan just staked Fredrick. Well, I guess I didn't hit the heart. But he didn't stab once, he kept going and going. And Elena came up behind him and touched his shoulder.

"Stefan." She whispered. Stefan spun around and growled furiously with blood around his mouth. Elena's blood. I pushed Stefan in to a tree before he could hurt Elena. He got up and stared, his face going back to normal. We left the house in silence. I had a bad feeling Stefan's drinking Elena's blood wasn't going to end well...

Comment or Vote! Please. I know it's short but I didn't have much time... Hope you enjoy :)

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