Sleep Tight, My Love

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“I’m going to work. Are you okay to look after Ana?” John asks, grabbing his mobile and flat keys.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Sherlock asks nervously, looking at John worriedly.

“You’ll be fine, Sher. Just don’t try and experiment on her, okay?” John grins, leaning down to kiss his partner’s forehead.

“It’s been two months, John and you’ve never left me alone with her. Can’t you postpone work until tomorrow or … permanently. We don’t exactly need the money.” Sherlock replies desperately.

“Sher, you know I’m not happy with Mycroft paying our rent. I don’t want him thinking that I’m only with you because it’s an easy life.”

“Ha, I don’t care what Mycroft thinks.”

“Yes, but I do. Now, Ana needs a feed at ten, two and five. I should be home by her next feed. The bottles are all set up ready, before you ask.” John replies with a smile, kissing his partner before he can argue. “Have fun.”

John makes a quick check on Ana before heading down the stairs.


“So, are you going to start crying when I pick you up or are you going to behave?” Sherlock asks the baby, who is currently looking at him curiously. “Perfect, I’ve turned into your father. Well, maybe you’ll be a clever child and will be talking in six or seven more months.”

Sherlock picks Ana up and carries her to the living room to give the baby her morning feed.

Ana suckles gently on the bottle; curious eyes watching the young detective as he stares back at her.

“So, good milk is it? Nice and warm?” Sherlock asks the baby, the silence annoying him too much.

“What shall we do today, Ariana? Do you want to help Sherlock do some experiments?” Sherlock asks with a smile before remembering John’s words.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be part of them. I mean help me. Well, technically I suppose I mean watch me do the experiments and behave … But that will be fun, won’t it?”

Ana continues to suckle on the bottle and stare intently on Sherlock as he rambles on.

Suddenly, she starts coughing and Sherlock freezes; trying to remember what John does when he’s feeding her and this happens.

He pulls the bottle away from her mouth and carefully sits her up so that she can breathe better.

“There we go. All better.” Sherlock smiles at Ana softly.

Just then, Ana makes a face and this puzzles Sherlock.

“Oh, that’s your burp face. I remember. Um, oh, yeah. Over the shoulder and a gentle pat, isn’t it?”

Sherlock rests the baby on his shoulder and gently pats her back until she finally burps loudly in his ear.

Despite himself, Sherlock smiles and even allows a small chuckle to escape.

“Feel better?” Sherlock asks, resting Ana back in his arms again.

Ana seems to smile in response and Sherlock returns it with a wide grin.

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