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A/N: Kinda a short chapter bc I'm lazy. Not much to say here lmao but please vote and comment if you can!


I lay on the cold bathroom floor, still wrapped in my towel though it's half hanging off, trying to catch my breath, that I hadn't known I lost until now. I hear a knock on the bathroom but I don't have the energy to say anything.

"Peyton?" The voice from outside calls. My eyes are closed but I hear the door open and someone step in. 

I slowly open my eyes and see a worried Pansy hovering over me. I immediately grab the ends of my towel and cover up my chest.

"Oh please, we both know there way nothing to see there anyway." Pansy say and crosses her arms. "What are you doing?" 

"The water burned." I say.

"With out personification please?"

"The water from the shower wouldn't cool down."

"Oh. You okay now?"


"Then get up and stop being so dramatic." I stand up keeping one hand on my towel, holding it up. I almost hear Pansy's eyes roll before I walk out of the room and into the closet.

I pick out a simple white long sleeved crop top and plain jeans. I know basic. I pull them on and walk out of the closet and grab a pair of socks from the dresser by my bed. I slide them on and walk back into the closet and get my light blue converse. As I'm tying the lases, Pansy walk in and grabs a plain black shirt and walks back out with out a word.

I finish tying the bow and stand up, making sure to grab my towel on the way. I walk into the bathroom and hang up the towel, while Pansy is doing her make up, leaning over so her face is about three inches from the mirror.

"You know maybe I should have bought you one of those big make up mirrors for Christmas." I giggle. Pansy stops and turns around to me.

"There's still time." Pansy turns back and fixes her eye liner. Without realizing I stand there staring at her. "Want some?"

"No thanks." I say snapping out of my trance. 

"Come on. Just a little?" pleads Pansy.

"No." I say sternly.


"No." I repeat.

"Pleaseee." Pansy wines. 




"Really?" Pansy looks shocked.

"Yes." Pansy lets out a small squeal. She pulls me closer to her and looks me in the eyes. I look back at her and hold back a laugh when she only has one eye done.

"Okay, you have more of a rounder, bigger eye than me so I think you can pull off two wings."

"Two wings?" I say trying to pull back from her grip.

"Yes Peyton. See this is one wing," She points to her done eye, "I will do two," She hold up two fingers, "on you." She points to me.

"I got that." I roll my eyes. Pansy reaches for the eye liner and shakes it.

"Now stay still and don't move until I say so. Okay?"

"Fine." I huff. "If it looks bad I'm taking it off."

"It won't look bad." Pansy says confidently.

I stand there in the bathroom and listen to Pansy for when she tells me to close my eyes, open them, look up, look down, stop blinking, look straight.

"Finished." Pansy says and steps away from me, admiring her work. I turn to the mirror and look at myself.

I don't look like myself, well I do, but an older version of me. 

"Like it?" Pansy asks and puts her head on my shoulder.

"I hate to admit it but yeah, it looks good."

"You  look good." Pansy declares. "You know. If you started to wear make up maybe River might actually date you."

"I'm not going to dress up and wear make up just so River will date me. Plus not everyone gets into dating and such at our age." I scoff.

"Fine. All I was saying is that you look older, which may make River realize an age difference isn't that bad."

"Age difference isn't bad." I say.

"I know, that's literally what I just said."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "And I'm not going to date him."

"Why not? I thought you liked him." Pansy asks, turning to do her second eye.

"I do." I pause planning my words, "But there are many reasons why I won't."

"Like?" Pansy interrupts me.

"Well he's my friend, and you don't date your friends-"

"Sure you can." 

"And in order for us to date, he had to like me back."

"And?" I sigh and can sense Pansy getting proud of herself.

"And he doesn't."

"How do you know that?"

"Because.." I stop. "Because I just do."

All Mine | d.m. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now