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A/N: I don't have much to say except for please vote and/or comment! It means a lot and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Btw in the next chapter (and some in this) there will be lots of time skips because I'm attempting to get to the fourth year. 

Also, I don't know if you guys know but when you add a story to one of you reading lists or other things, the writer/author person can in fact see the name. And we'll just say some of you have some interesting names for your reading lists.😐🥴


"Wot?" I squeaked, my mouth hanging open though the mask restricts it substantially.

"It only is supposed to work for Ravenclaws." Alayna repeats.

"And if you got in by yourself," River adds.

"But I'm in Slytherin." I object.

"Maybe there was a glitch or something." suggests Alayna as she moves closer to River and I.

"We all know there's no such thing as a glitch." River says.

"Should we tell Dumbledore?"

"No." I shouted.

They both turn to look at me.

"I'm a Slytherin." I declare. "All my friends are Slytherin. I am not Ravenclaw."

"But we're your friends." Alayna began but I wasn't finished. Her voice was a bit muffled as her face mask was drying.

"There's no way you can be two houses. Like you said, it was just a glitch. Maybe the knocker saw me with you two earlier so it thought you were around."

"Peyt-" River tries.

"It's fine. It was a glitch." I reassure. River and Alayna exchange a look.

"Yeah." River says uncertainly. 

"Ib bine." Alayna mumbles her face mask restricting the moving of her lips. (It's fine.)

I let out a small laugh.

"I'm gowning bo bake bis ob." Alayna voiced, keeping her mouth at the same half open, half closed, shape. (I'm going to go take this off.) Alayna moves past me and into the bathroom. 

I look up at River with a concerned face.

"It's okay, Peyton" He smiles. "I've never heard of someone switching houses."

I nod, not being able to move my mouth either. River just grins.

"Can you agree to anything I say now?" He laughs.

"Bo. I ban bill balk." I grumble. (No. I can still talk.)

"I'm sorry what was that?" River jokes.

"Bou bow bhat I baid." I glare at him, though its hard. (You know what I said)

I turn around on my heal dramatically  and walk into the bathroom. Alayna has already rinsed her mask off and is currently drying her face on a towel.

I walk over to the sink and turn the water on. I run my hand under that water until it feels warm. 

I then rinse off the mask and dry my face off. 

"Sooo, Peyton." River says siting on the counter in front of me. "What's so bad about being a Ravenclaw?"

"Oh." My mind drifts back to the conversation. "I didn't mean it like that. I just, I don't know, I'm sorry." I look down at my feet.

"It's fine. I'd probably react like that if you said I could be Slytherin." River says and I can tell he's trying to keep a straight face.

"I guess I deserve that." I huff.

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