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A/N: It has come to my attention that I need to speed up the process of getting to Draco and Peyton dating. Yes, this is a slow burn, but I'm going to do some time skips to get there. Before they start dating a couple of things have to happen. That's what the next few chapters are gonna be about. Also if you're ever bored, which I am all the time, message me! I'll do my best to reply back as soon as possible, saying that I check my notifications every five seconds so I don't have to pay attention to class. 

Also quick thing: shout out to @KalaB0 who is reading All Mine and voting on every chapter! 


(Time skip to two days)

I wake up in the morning, with sun shining through the window near my bed. I pull the covers over my head and close my eyes, trying to fall back asleep. After a few minutes I give up and let my eyes adjust. I hear a tapping on the window and turn my head to look. Bitsy was standing on the edge of the window sill, looking in at me.

I slowly slide out of bed and walk over to the window. I turn the latch and swing the window open. I cold air hits me and goosebumps form all over my arms. Bitsy flies in and lands on the bedpost. I gladly close the window and walk over to my bed. I sit crisscross and take the letter from Bitsy's mouth. On the front of the letter it reads "Person that is most likely holding this right now". I laugh and know it's from Pansy, not only because it's her owl and her handwriting but because she would be the only person to spend the time writing that and not just "Peyton".

I rip open the seal and unfold the letter. It reads:


I'm writing kinda early in the morning because I can't fall asleep. It's nothing big but I need you to help me. Alayna can help too. 

Here's the thing. I don't really like Draco anymore. I know, but I don't. He's nice and all but I just don't have feelings for him anymore. Is that possible? Like in first year he was the love of my life and I couldn't think about anything but him. But now, I don't feel romantically attached to him anymore. Does that make sense? I don't know if it does but I hope you some what get it.

I don't know what to do Peyton. I feel bad every time he talks to me, or holds my hand, or kisses my cheek, like I'm lying to him or something. I don't know what do to and I just wanted your help because you always know what to do. Please help me.

Your very flustered twin,


I reread the letter about three times before coming to the conclusion I am not reading it wrong. Pansy does not like Draco. How can that be? I hold the letter in my hand and look at Bitsy. She's twisting her head and looking around the room. I stand up and walk over to the desk and get out a piece of paper. 

I take the quill and dip it in ink. I write:


I don't get it. You liked him? What happened? I guess I understand what you were meaning but I don't get why. I guess if you feel guilty, you have to tell him right? Tell him you want to be just friends? But maybe wait until after the holidays. 

I just realized. Today's Christmas Eve! Alayna and I are going to go shopping for gifts today. I think you would really like it here. Her family's big, like really big. She has nine step siblings! Nine! They are all super sweet. Hopefully you can meet them some day. 

Tell Draco I say Happy Christmas, and definitely plan how you're going to tell him. You can wait for us to get back to Hogwarts and I can help you if you'd like.

Your very confused twin,


I put the quill down and blow on the ink to dry it. Once the ink looks dry I fold it up and write "The person holding this paper right now " and let that dry. When it's dry I give it to Bitsy and tell her its to Pansy, and walk over to the window again. 

This time I stand behind the window when I open it, but the cold air comes in at all directions. Bitsy flies out fast, not fast enough. I immediately shiver and close the window behind her. 

"Morning." I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Alayna standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Good morning." I reply.

"Who was that?" Alayna asks.

"Pansy." I say, "Get this, she doesn't like Draco anymore or something."

"What?" Alayna says. "Really?"

"Yeah here." I grab Pansy letter from the desk and hand it to Alayna. 

She takes a moment to read it. When she looks back up at me with a shocked face, I say, "I know!"

"So is she gonna break up with him?" 

"I don't know. I told her she should, but to wait until the holidays over."

"Yeah." Alayna pauses for a moment. "We gonna get dressed to go shopping?"

"Sure." I laugh. "It's cold outside though."

"Well it is if you hold the window open for like twelve hours."

"It was less than ten seconds!" I say.

"What ever." Alayna rolls her eyes.

*Alayna's POV*

I walk back into my room and into my closet. Peyton's words keep playing in my head, over and over again. Pansy doesn't like Draco anymore. I hear Peyton moving around in her room, picking out clothes for the day. 

I pick out a black, long sleeved sweater and some dark grey jeans. I pull out my shoes Peyton and I tie-dyed and put them on over some plain white socks. I tie the laces into a bow before grabbing my brush from the bathroom. I run it through my hair, and the tangles disappear.

My mind travels back to Pansy. If she doesn't like Draco, who could she like? What would have caused her to stop liking him? Peyton's laugh pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Twinzies!" She says and puts her foot next to mine. She's wearing her tie-dye shoes. I laugh and lightly kick her foot with mine.

"I think you copied me." I say.

"No!" She giggles. Peyton was wearing a tight, white short sleeved shirt, with a tan jacket over top. Her black jeans were cuffed so you could see her tie-dye shoes.

"Hey Peyton." I say after a moment. She had grabbed her hair brush and started to brush her hair. Not that it needed it, her hair was always perfect.

"Hm?" She hums as a reply.

"Could there be any possibility Pansy's gay?" The words slip out of my mouth before I can register what I'm saying.

"What?" She stops brushing her hair and turns to me. I take a deep breath and continue what I unintentionally started.

"I mean like the reason she doesn't like Draco, is because she figured out she's lesbian or something." Peyton looks taken back but turns away and looks as though she's considering the possibility. "I don't know I was just thinking about it."

"Why's that?" She asks.

"I don't know." I lie through my teeth. It shouldn't be this easy to lie to my bestfriend in the whole entire universe.

Peyton laughs before saying, "You know, Pansy thought I was lesbian awhile ago."

"Really?" I say. Could Peyton be lesbian?

"Yeah, at the beginning of the year. I told her I wasn't though." My hope vanishes.

"Are you?" I ask.

"No." She laughs. "Why?" I put on a fake smile.

"No reason." 

I could tell her. I really could. But should I? 

"I'm gay." I blurt out.

All Mine | d.m. (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora