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A/N: I'm back! Did you miss me? Probaly not. Oh well, I'm going to do shorter chapers now I guess. they're more of normal ones bc I was doing long ones but I don't think you really care. 


The next day I convince Alayna to go shopping with me to buy gifts for Harry and Hermione. She agrees almost immediately and we make our way outside and into shops. After we buy the presents, we stop by an owlery and send them away.

(Time skips to end of break)

 Alayna, River and I step off the platform and someone runs into my arms. It takes me a moment to realize it's Pansy and I wrap my arms around her. Alayna giggles as Pansy continues to hold onto me.

"You are never leaving me again." Pansy says, her voice muffled by my jacket.

"Pansy." I say pushing her off me. Her grip just tightens and it makes it harder to move. By now it's just the four of us standing on the platform. "Pansy." I repeat.

"Peyton, unless you are planning on getting your sister off of you anytime soon, I'm going inside. It's cold." River laughs. I scrunch my nose at him because he fully knows that I'm trying.

"Pansy, get off of me." I say and reach around to pry her fingers off my back. I watch River walk up the pathway, and into the warmness.

"Promise you wont leave." Pansy says, tilting her head so she was see my face.


"Promise and I'll let go."

"Fine, I promise." Pansy loosens her grip before reaching down and grabbing my hand. She spreads my fingers and interlocks hers with mine. I shake my head as the three of us walk back to the castle in silence. 

When we get inside, Alayna leaves to go to the Ravenclaw common room, and Pansy and I make our way to the Slytherin common room.

When we step inside, there are still Christmas decorations hanging on the walls. Pansy has let go of my hand now, she did once Alayna left, and my hands are cold, due to the frigid air. We walk past a group of people, in which I spot a boy with platinum blonde hair. Our eyes meet for a moment, since he was watching us, but he looks away, not wanting to be caught staring.

I lean over to Pansy and whisper, "Did you tell him?" It doesn't take a genius to figure out who I'm talking about but Pansy glances over to where Draco is sitting, or should I say where he was sitting.

She shakes her head, "I just told him I wanted space for a bit."

"Oh." I say as we walk up the staircase. 

We walk into our room and she throws my bag onto my bed. I gently place my trunk gently at the end of my bed. I scan the room, looking for any noticeable things out of place. I find none and plop down onto my bed. I've just had dinner, but my stomach growls loudly. Pansy lets out an obvious snicker from the bathroom before saying, "I think you're hungry."

"No shit sherlock." I grumble, sitting up and walking over to Pansy's bed. I lay on the floor and pull out a bag of chips. 

"Hey! Those are mine."

"It's in our  room." I say and pop open the bag. Pansy rolls her eyes but I can tell she doesn't really mind. Plus there's about seven more of the same flavor, sour cream and onion.

I flop back on my bed and eat the chips while watching Pansy get ready for bed. She moves from the bathroom to the closet, to the bathroom again, to the closet once more and finally in her bed where she pulls out a book and starts to read it before glancing over at me, who is currently stuffing my mouth with chips.

"What?" I ask as she continues to stare.

"Nothing." Pansy rolls over with her back away from me and reads her book though I know she's waiting for me to say something. I wait a moment before smashing the back up, it making a loud crinkling sound, and walking into the bathroom to throw it away.

I smash it into the trash can and walk back to the door way. Pansy is sitting up in her bed, glaring at me.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"I missed you." Pansy says.

"Ohhkayyy?" Like that wasn't obvious already.

"Did you miss me?" Pansy huffs.

"Yeah? Of course I did." I say.

"Good." Pansy lays back and pulls the covers up and tucks them around her neck so only her head is visible. I shake my head and laugh before pulling my clothes off and changing into my pajamas. 

I crawl into bed and pull my covers over my body and stare at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to take over my body. Twenty minutes later, sleep hasn't come. I roll over to look at Pansy. Her back is to me so I can't see if her eyes are open or not.

"Pansy." I hiss. She doesn't move so I try again. "Pansy." This time her feet move. It's barley noticeable but I hear to covers shift against each other. "Pansy, I know you're awake."

Pansy groans and rolls over. "What?"

"I can't sleep." I whisper, though the walls are pretty thick.

"Well I can." She rolls back over.

"Wait." I say. I can tell she's listening, though she doesn't really have an option. "It's about Draco."

I can see Pansy stiffen, before she rolls over again and props her head up with her arm. I sit up and cross my legs. The covers are half on my body, half on the floor and end of my bed.

"Why don't you like him anymore?" I breathe, suddenly nervous.

"I don't know." She pauses for a moment, "I guess I might like someone else."

"Who?" I wheeled. 

"I'm not telling you." Pansy drawled. "And I'm going to bed now." She flops back down and turns over, evidentially ending the conversation.

"Night." I say, lying back down and turning to my side. This time, I fall asleep after some time.

In the morning I wake up to darkness, or almost darkness. I lean over and check the clock on my bedside table. It's only 6:57. I roll back over and try to fall back asleep. I give up after about two minutes, because I'm impatient and slide out of bed, grabbing my wand from my dresser.

I walk into the bathroom and shut the door before muttering a quiet, "Lumos," and setting my wand on the counter. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up. In this time I slide out of my pajamas and hop from the mat to the shower, because of the cold tiles on the floor.  I step in and immediately arch my back, trying to get away from the scorching hot water. The water splashes up and hits my feet, as my naked body is pressed against the tiles in the shower.

I whimper quietly and push away from the wall and turn the shower nob to the right in one quick movement. I try to move away from the water again, with my back against the wall but the water still hits my feet. I stand on my tip toes and wait for the water to cool down. After a minute I reach my hand out to touch the water. It's still burning hot.

I pull it back so fast my elbow hits the wall. A shock travels up my arm causing my to cry out in pain. I hold my elbow, still pressing my body against the wall and wait for the tingling to go away. When it finally does I hold my breath and reach across the stream of water and turn the nob all the way to the right. 

The stream of water slowly stops, not before my back gets hit with the water. I arch my back, though there's nothing to get away from now. My  trembling hand absent-mindly reaches to my now painful back. Nothing feels different which I guess is good and I step out of the shower.

I wrap my towel around me, though I didn't get very wet.

All Mine | d.m. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now