Date/Celebration Chapter PT.2

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Taking one last deep breath Dean nods and leans back into Roman.

Smiling softly Seth kises Deans head one last time before he goes back to the front seat and carfully pulls out and makes his way to the beach once again.



Once at the beach, Seth parks the car and shuts the engine off, before turning around and looking at Roman and Dean who was once again fighting sleep.

"Ok my Prince, lets go have some fun" Roman smiles and helpes Dean out of the car.

Whining softly he leans into Roman, "I dont wanna daddyyyy I just wanna sleep please"

"Not yet baby boy, can you wait just a little longer please then I promise when we leave here you can sleep as long as you like" Seth comments as he stands to the right of Dean and wraps his left arm around Deans waist to help keep him up right.

"Otay Papa If you say so" Dean sighs and leans into Seth "Carry me pwease Papa?" Dean whispers.

Smiling Seth nods and picks him up "Sure come on my Prince" Seth smiles and picks Dean up and carrys him across the sand to the little spot they set up a few hours prier.

Giggling softly Dean tightens his grip around Seths neck and closes his eyes.

"Ok baby boy your gonna have to let go so I can put you down you know" Seth chuckles softly.

"But why papa why tant you hold me!" Dean whines and pouts as he just holds Seth tighter.

Spanking Deans ass softly Roman gives him a warning look.

"Watch it my love, we will not hesitate to punish you here"

"Sowwy Daddy" Dean blushes and reluctently lets Seth go and lays down on the beach towel and looks up Seth and Roman his blushes only deepending when Seth sends him a simple wink.

Chuckling softly,Roman and Seth just lay back and Pop a strawberry into their mouth their gaze never leaving Deans.

Whining softly Deans blush only deepens, but he doesnt let that stop him for teasing them himself.

"Two can play at this game" Dean says quietly to where Roman and Seth couldnt hear or so he thought.

Having heard him clear as day the boys chuckle quietly and sit back and see what Dean has in mind.

Grabbing a strawberry he dips it in the chocolate and looks up at the boys and takes a bite, and he purpously lets some of the chocolate stay on his lips. After eating the whole strawberry, Dean looks between Seth and Roman with an innocent look and he licks his lip , and moans softly at the taste.

Growling softly, the boys look at each other and smirk, before thry each grab one of Deans hands and pulls him between the two of them, Seth behind him and Roman in front of him lifting Deans head up to have him look at him.

"That, babyboy was not every nice, its not nice to tease someone if you have no intent on persuing anything" Roman says quietly.

"I dont know what you talking about daddy" Dean says innocently

Roman opens his mouth to say something but he was cut off by 5 rounds of gunshots.

Wide eyed the three men stand up and quickly take off to their car but before they could reach the car, Someones voice was heard... someone the boys hoped to never hear from again.

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