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Heyyy, Welcome to my first Q&A! I am really bad at this so lets just jump right into it!

Author:First question from @jaibird2k25 asked

"Dean who is the more scarier when they're mad?"

Dean: mmm I would have to say there both equally scary  when their  mad but if I had to choose one I would say Roman. Thanks for the question

Author:Next question from @jaibird2k25 asked

"Seth and Roman, are either of you more dominant then the other, and who takes the most control between the two of you?"

Seth: I say I am the more dominate one-

Roman: That is a load of shit Seth and you know it

Seth: Ok fine.... Roman is more dominant... and he takes the most control... better??

Roman: Much, and thank you for the question

Author: ooookayyyy anyway, Next question goes to @jaibird2k25 as well and they asked

"Do the triplets ever get advice from Damian seeing as hes older then them?"

Josh: It depends on what it is, some times he does  but most of the time its us giving him advice.

Jeremy: I agree with Josh, he does give us advice on a few things but, not alot like Josh says its mainly us giving him advice.

Jimmy: I am the one that gets the most advice from him, but like the boys say its not often still. Thank you for your question.

Author: Next question is from ShelbyGrimes03 And she asks: How did Dean come to be a little?

Dean: I don't really know actually... I just know when I was with my dad ... I just sort of felt small I guess you could say and I would go up to my room and I would catch myself sucking on the ear of the stuffed animal I had and I felt smaller I felt like I was a little kid and I wanted to do kid things .... and I looked up what it meant like what I was doing and it said you might be a little so I looked into it more and it made sense . Thank you for your question.

Author: next question is from ShelbyGrimes03 Do Seth and Roman have tattoos and if so whose are Dean's favourite?

Roman : yes I have tattoos I have a full right arm tattoo that covers my right peck and goes all the way down my right side of my back. And I know MINE are deans favourite.

Seth: and yea I also have one tattoo on my back it goes down my spine and in Chinese writing it says Integrity,respect,courage,honor, compassion,honesty and loyalty ...all in that order, and I think Roman is full of shit I think Mine is deans favourite.

Dean: A-actually neither of your guys tattoos are my favourite... I love them both equally... because I love you both equally. And if I had any tattoos they would be my favourite , And thank you for your question.


Heyyyyy So i know its been a while but I have hit major writers block on this celebration one shot... i have the main like main Idea down but I cant exactly figure out how to write it out, I will try to have it out soon!!! Thank you so much for 4k!!! I love all of you,be on the look out for the next update!! I am hoping to have it out very very soon. But if you guys have any other questions be sure to leave them below!!! Until then Stay safe, and stay amazing !

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