Chapter 19: The Cavill Challenge

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You load your leg pack, fill and put on a Camelback pack and take off. This is an ten mile ride. He's running and then stopping at the pub miles from there. You have to move it! You put your earpiece in. "Call Stella."

"Calling Stella."

You wait as the line rings.


"Where is he?"

"I hear he is less than halfway," she says in a low voice. She listens to your breathing. "Where are you?"

"On my way," you pant softly.

"You're biking, aren't you?"


"You brought your headlights, right?"

"It's broad daylight, but yes, Stella, I did." You steer to the right, letting cars go by. "Don't tell him I'm coming, alright?"


You click off, and increase speed.

An small SUV goes by and you swerve, going off the road and purposely falling into the bushes to avoid rolling and falling into trees below at the bottom of a small ravine. You have cycled in snow and rain and wind and it pays off, only feeling a little bumped, maybe bruised. You try to see the license plate as you walk your bike back on the road but it is gone by the time you think to even do it, a bit unsettled by the near accident. Time passes and you see the town square opening up to you. It's not very big, but big enough. You see quite a few SUVs parked, and they all look the same. It dawns on you that these are rentals and probably from the movie set. Could someone have tried to hit you?

You see Henry's truck parked and go to it. You hitch your bike to a sign post and walk to the pub door. You take a deep breath and try to smooth yourself over. You can't look all that together after a ten to twelve mile ride, but you made it. You nod respectfully to the man at the door who opens it and step inside.

You scan the place. He's not there! You hear your name called and see Stella waving you over frantically. You speed over to her.

"He's running at a park near here," Stella says softly. "Cindy says his finish line is not in town, but four miles away." She holds her phone and shows you where it is. "He met others here and they all drove to the start. You might not make it—"

You aren't listening. You're gone.

You hop on your bike, put the name of the place in your phone and hit the road again, this time putting the rubber drinking tube in your mouth to get water from your pack since you didn't drink anything at the bar. You are solidly counting on Cindy's information and the Google Map God. You take a cleansing breath and push on. You put on music as you listen to the English Siri tell you what to do.

You bike a trail in the natural park as you reach it, and your memory sparks at what you see before you in Instagram photos. You are in the right place, and this fuels you. Now that you know, the posts and the trail map are your best friends. Deductive reasoning tells you which paths to take, as there are a few turns, but you are making it.

Finally you reach a clearing, and you see Henry and security as well as a few people from work all laughing and smiling, drinking water in the distance. You stop short, watching him. You said you weren't going and now you're here?! How will he take that?! You use your time to catch your breath, unsure what to do, and insanely contemplating turning around.

Henry calls your name. You stand still, gripping your handlebars and smile, but your stomach is doing flip flops while your heart is in your throat. What a time to reconsider—

"You came?!" His is grinning. "Oh my God, you came!" He starts toward you with Kal trailing behind and you guide your bicycle to meet him. "You biked here?"

"Knee injury, don't run anymore, I told you," you pant. "but I wanted to be here to support you, being by yourself, but you're not by yourself—" He smiles and you feel heat creep up your cheeks. "I just wanted to be there for you." That sounded stupid, all of a sudden. The man is fully confident and able to do whatever he wants whenever he pleases. "That sounds crazy, doesn't—" He shuts you up with a kiss and you feel his arms encircle you.

"Thanks for wanting to support me," he says softly, his voice taking on that purr that just makes your knees go weak. His hand cradles your face as his thumb caresses your cheekbone. He looks down again. "You biked here?!"

"Yeah!" you laugh happily. "I used to bike all the time back home, good way to integrate exercise into the day.

"On these roads?!" He frowns. "That's not easy."

"It's not that hard," You retort, knowing you'd do it again for the warmth you're feeling from him now.

He takes your bike and steers it with one hand, holding yours with the other and guides you toward his running party.

"So did you do this on purpose?" he asks. "Surprise me, I mean."

"Actually, no," you shrug. "I was setting up a nice spa night at your place—"

"Spa?!" he repeats with a raise of his eyebrow. "Spa? Like massage and bath?"

"I was about to make you something to eat when I changed my mind," You say apologetically. "but it can wait, I can make—"

"We'll have a drink and some supper," he says quickly. "then head back."

"I thought—"

"Now I'm the one who can't wait," his says softly, his blue eyes changing to a shade that takes your breath away. He makes introductions to people you have seen and were never introduced to, his arm going around you as a warming symbol of his affection and protection. Everyone seems friendly enough and you wonder what you were worrying about.

If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ