Chapter 11

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"Why am I here?" I ask myself that question for the whole night.

I gasp slightly arching my back as hot liquid pools inside. Hot, wet lips kiss my skin. Hot breath heating my skin. Tongue sliding up my neck to my jaw. Fangs sprout digging slightly to draw blood.

"You came for the truth, to be home." He answers. After nipping me, his thick tongue licks the blood. 

I sigh at the tenth pinch of his fangs drawing blood along my chest. After the Dance, Nix brought me to his castle. You might expect me to scream or enjoy being with a friend but oh no. I stayed calm but distant away from the king.

Nix immediately got me to mate with him. Now, he has done his fifth round and continues to stab his sharp needles in my skin all over. He says he is creating a masterpiece but the way I see it, he is making sure I got enough marks to remember.

"You are now a masterpiece. Finally mine." He leans down digging his nose on my collarbone.

I don't respond and look up at the ceiling. I did find my parents, made it home, am who I am but it feels like I am in a different body. A shell covering me and blinding me to what I am yearning for. 

"Now, since you are being nice and obedient; here are the rules." My eyes cast themselves on the liquid silver male.

"You are now my mate and queen so every day you must look gorgeous. That is rule one, to look good for me." 

Sure, it is all about him. Git.


"*Gasp*" I raise my hand on my cheek.

"I can hear your thoughts, love. Rule two is to never talk back to me or in your thoughts."

"Rule three?" I whisper looking at his hand. Claws are extended. Blood dripping. My blood.

"Rule three, you will serve me and only me. No male or woman can command you. Only I can." I turn my head away. 

Has this been my fate all along? To be trapped in this merman scutches. My parents did everything to keep me from him. Now, I am here, like they did nothing.

"Rule four, always call me Master. Even in public." I freeze the eye roll I was close in doing.

"And the last rule is..." He turns around. Swimming over to my front and lay directly on top.

I look into his dark grey eyes that change to black when they fall on my bare chest covered in his marks. Three kisses. One on my left shoulder. Second, the right shoulder, and the third is the middle of my breasts.

"Rule five...always to remember that you. are. mine." Cold lips press on my own as one tear fall from the corner of my right eye.

What should I do to escape?

I flutter my eyes open to the light shining through the window. The white lace curtains waving about like there is a breeze flying through. I turn over to my right side closing my eyes once more. I reach my hand out to meet nothing but silk.

The left eye opens to see nothing but silk black bed sheets. Where is Nix? Slowly lifting my body up I look about the room. Black walls with white curtains. White marble that shines on the floor. Glossy and pristine. 

"Good morning your majesty." A mermaid with red short hair swims in holding a silver tray.

"Where is Nix?" I ask, forgetting the fourth rule Nix told me yesterday.

"The king is fetching your clothes from your home. He will be eating breakfast with you soon." She tells me keeping her head down.

"Thank you." She looks to the window and swims off like there is someone chasing her.

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